
Production of the production of materials in the

slave society and the occupant of the slave. The first exploitation class in the history of human society.

The emergence of the origin of the slave is the inevitable phenomenon of social history development to a certain stage. With the existence of private property and the poorest differentiation, with the wide use of bronze tools, when productivity is developing to laborers, the prostitutes are more and more, and they are more and more. First, the prisoners in the war then turn the poverty-stricken clan members to their own slaves. In this way, the clan is gradually transformed into a slave chart. The slave owner has another process: some agricultural families have differentiated differentiation due to natural formation. Those rich families absorb a small number of labor and turn them into slaves, and the owner becomes a slave owner. According to the social status of the slave, it can also distinguish between the aristocratic slave owner and the industrial slave owner. The former includes royal family, aristocratic, and religious priests, etc .; the latter includes farm owners, workshop master, big businessmen and highly loan.


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