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Versione piattaforma

La piattaforma Java Standard Edition è una piattaforma Java2 per fornire agli utenti un ambiente di sviluppo del programma. Questo ambiente di sviluppo del programma fornisce strumenti di sviluppo, librerie software e macchine virtuali Java sviluppate e che eseguono software Java. È anche la base della piattaforma Java2, della versione aziendale e dei servizi Web Java.

Java 2 platform has 3 versions, they are applicable to the Java < / b> 2 platform micro version ( java 2Platformmicroedition, java me ), the Java2 platform standard version for desktop systems ( Java 2PlatformStandardedition, JavaSe ) Applicable to the Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition ( Java 2PlatformenterpriseEedition, Javaee ) of the creation of server applications and services.


Edizione Enterprise (javaee)

javaee is An architecture that uses Java 2 platform to simplify the development, deployment, and management related complex issues related to business solutions. The basis of J2EE technology is the standard version of the core Java platform or Java 2 platform, javaee not only consolidates many of the best in the standard version, such as "writing once, run everywhere" Features, convenient access to the JDBCAPI, CORBA technology that can protect data in Internet application, etc., but also provides EJB ( < I> EnterpriseJavabeans), javaservletsapi, JSP ( JavaServerPages ) and XML technology Comprehensive support. The ultimate goal is to be an architecture that enables enterprise developers to significantly shorten the market time.

Javaee Architecture provides an intermediate-level integration framework to meet the needs of applications without too much cost and require high availability, high reliability, and scalability. By providing a unified development platform, J2EE reduces the cost and complexity of developing multi-layer applications, while providing strong support for existing applications, fully supporting EJB, has a good guidard support packaging and deployment, add directory support, Enhance the safety mechanism and improve performance.

Edizione Standard (JavaSe)

JavaSe is an abbreviation of the Java platform standard version ( javaplatform, Standardedition ) ( AlsoknownasJava2Platform ) for developing and deploying the Java application in the desktop, server, and embedded devices and real-time environments. JavaSe includes class libraries for developing JavaWeb services, and JavaSe provides the foundation for Javaee and Javame . JavaPlatform, Standardedition, Java Standard Edition) is based on JDK and jre, to support JavaWeb service development Class and provide the foundation for Java enterprise development.

Sorgente Java

Java The security model can be traced back to the early age of the platform, when people mainly think A browser extension mechanism to enhance the user experience. The Java code that can be executed can be derived from various sources, and some of these sources are unknown or unreliable. Accordingly, the security of the platform is primarily concerned about solving the problem of trusting the code being executed, and the entire game is performed around the browser to perform applet . However, this model is just simply divided into Trusted and untrusted , even the medium-complex application cannot run.

From version 1.2 version, Java has gradually recognized by a programming platform, not just a browser extension, Sun starts More flexible security features, first is the concept of configuring security policies. Java documentation introduces its development.

When the Java platform starts entering an enterprise environment, it will soon feel clear that the pure code-based function cannot manage the security of large applications. 1.4 version of the Java introduced a new feature called JavaAuthenticationAndauthorizationService (JaaS) is used to integrate user-based rights items into security policies. The permissions of a special code frame on the stack are both based on the code source (its CODESOURCE), but also assigned to the user's identity, group, and roles based on verification.

versione micro (javame)

javame is the abbreviation of the Java micrograph ( javaplatform, microEdition ) is a collection of technology and specifications that provides a Java environment for mobile devices (including consumer products, embedded devices, advanced mobile devices, etc.). Development and application platform. Javame is divided into two types of configurations, one is the CLDC ( "CONNECTEDLIMITEDDEVICEPROFILE " ) for small mobile devices, and one is a more powerful movement. Apparatus such as smartphone and set-top box, called CDC ( ConnectedDeviceProfileCDC ).

javame has its own class library, where CLDC is a dedicated Java virtual machine called J VM .


JavaSe is an indispensable environment running a Java program. Once you have Java software, you will enter a brand new interactive world.

Java language is probably the first choice for a stable online application language, which is due to its height security and cross-platform characteristics, you can see it on all computer platforms. Java 's aromacy. In the past, many people complained that Java although there is a very good cross-platform and security protection, its execution speed is far from all kinds of traditions such as C ++ Ideal programming language.

This time sunmicrosys TEM is ready, not only has a large reform on the execution speed, but also has some modifications and enhancements on the content. The latest Java running, establishing a environment where Java is established. This upgraded version has enhanced javaplug-in , providing NetScape6OpenJVM integration support, etc. Because JRE added features and program corrections are quite, if you need to detailed information, you can refer to Sun's official webpage. The multilingual version, supports the Simplified Chinese interface.

Java is one of the most popular and developed languages ​​in all programming languages. As JavaSe6.0 is released, Java has become more powerful and easy. This book combines a wealth of program examples to explain the various aspects of Java core technologies for readers, including the various new features provided in JavaSE 6.0.

Java 2 platforms have 3 versions, which are applicable to the Java2 platform for small devices and smart cards ( Java2PlatformmicRoEdition, J2ME ) for Desktop System Java 2 Platform Standard Edition ( Java2PlatformStandardedition, J2se ), is available to create a server application and service Java 2 platform enterprise version ( Java2PlatformenterpriseEedition, J2EE ).

J2EE is an architecture using the Java 2 platform to simplify the development, deployment, and management related complex issues of business solutions. The basis of J2EE technology is the core Java platform or Java2 platform standard version, J2EE not only consolidates many of the advantages in the standard version, such as "writing once, run everywhere" , Convenient access to the JDBCAPI, CORBA technology that can protect data in Internet application, etc., but also provides EJB ( EnterpriseJavabeans ), JavaServletsApi, JSP ( JavaServerPages ) and XML technology. The ultimate goal is to be an architecture that enables enterprise developers to significantly shorten the market time.

J2EE architecture provides an intermediate layer integration framework to meet the needs of applications without too much cost and require high availability, high reliability, and scalability. By providing a unified development platform, J2EE reduces the cost and complexity of developing multi-layer applications, and provides strong support for existing application integration, fully supports EnterpriseJavabeans , with good guidard support packaging and Deployment applications, add directory support, enhance security mechanisms, and improve performance.

JavaSe is a brief referusion of the Java platform standard ( JavaPlatform, Standardedition ) ( AlsokNOSJava2Platform ) for development and deploying desktops, servers, and embedding devices and Java app in real-time environment. JavaSe includes class libraries for developing JavaWeb services, and JavaSe provides the foundation for javaee .

Il genitore della tecnologia Java

Il Dr. James Gausslin è conosciuto come "il padre della tecnologia Java". È il fondatore della tecnologia Java, come accademico del Sun Institute, ha progettato personalmente il linguaggio Java e ha completato il compilatore originale e la macchina virtuale della tecnologia Java. Sotto la sua guida, Java è diventata la modalità di programmazione standard di Internet e lo standard effettivo per le applicazioni distribuite di classe enterprise. I suoi vantaggi tecnici multipiattaforma hanno portato i calcoli online al cambiamento epocale. Il Dr. James Gausslin è attivamente impegnato nella ricerca di strumenti di sviluppo software per rendere gli strumenti di sviluppo software più potenti e più facili da usare per gli sviluppatori per garantire lo sviluppo di applicazioni e servizi.

La tecnologia Java è stata lanciata ufficialmente da SUN nel maggio 1995. Per più di un decennio, Java si è evoluto dal linguaggio di programmazione alla più grande piattaforma di sviluppo generale del mondo. La tecnologia Java è stata adottata dalle principali aziende del settore informatico ed è accettata anche da un numero sempre maggiore di organizzazioni internazionali di standardizzazione tecnica. Nel 1999, Sun ha lanciato tre piattaforme J2EE, J2SE e J2ME con la piattaforma Java2 come nucleo. Con il rapido avanzamento delle tre piattaforme, nel mondo si è formata un'enorme ondata di applicazioni Java. Allo stesso tempo, la tecnologia Java ha anche innescato un grande cambiamento inaccettabile, portando enormi opportunità commerciali in tutta l'associazione Java.

La tecnologia Java e la sua applicazione avranno un maggiore sviluppo. Secondo IDC, dal momento che i 5 anni dal 2001, il valore dei prodotti Java IT raddoppierà, nel 2006, raggiungerà 453 milioni di dollari USA, un tasso di crescita annuale del 14,9%. A partire da maggio 2003, gli sviluppatori Java registrati con JavaDeveloperConnection (JDC) più di 3 milioni, Download 72 milioni per JRE (Java Run Environment). L'obiettivo stabilito alla conferenza Javaone2003 è che gli sviluppatori di tecnologia Java siano passati da 3 milioni a 10 milioni per supportare la tecnologia Java, la piattaforma tecnologica leader a livello mondiale.

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