SCA agreement

The definition of SCA agreement

1.1[Copyright Self-Help Agreement]

The copyright self-help agreement is formulated by the National Digital Copyright Research Base. In the Internet era, it provides a new and diversified copyright licensing model agreement.


In this agreement——

"Licensor" refers to the copyright owner who provides works under this agreement , Including natural persons, legal persons or other organizations.

"Licensee" refers to network service providers and other users based on commercial purposes who use the works licensed under this agreement.

"Works" refer to intellectual achievements in the fields of literature, art, and science that are original and can be copied in a tangible form.

"SCA operating organization" refers to an organization established to provide services such as agreement maintenance, usage fee agency, and dispute resolution for the operation of SCA agreements.

"Network service provider" refers to an organization that provides services for the purpose of providing information to the public or obtaining network information through an information network.

General terms of SCA copyright self-service agreement

2.1[License Mode]

The licensor can choose any network that uses the SCA agreement The platform publishes works. When publishing a work, the licensor can choose any of the following licensing modes:

□2.1.1 Only the right of attribution is reserved

□2.1.2 The right to license information network dissemination-waive the right to receive remuneration

□2.1.3 License information network communication right-reserve the right to be paid

□2.1.4 License information network communication right-license deduction right-require the same way of permission-waive payment

□2.1.5 Licensing information network dissemination right—License deduction right—Reservation of remuneration

For the explanation of the licensing model specified in the preceding paragraph, please refer to Chapter 3 of this agreement.

2.2[Scope of License]

□2.2.1 Exclusive License

Under the selected licensing model, the licensor Grant the licensee a worldwide, irrevocable, and permanent exclusive license so that the licensee can use the work within the scope of the license.

□2.2.2 Non-exclusive license

Under the selected licensing model, the licensor grants the licensee a worldwide, irrevocable and permanent non-exclusive license to Allow the licensee to use the work within the scope of the license.

2.3[Retention of Rights]

The licensor reserves all copyrights or copyright-related rights that belong to the licensor that are not covered by this agreement.

When the licensor adopts the 2.1.2-2.1.5 licensing model stipulated in Article 2.1 of this agreement, it reserves the right to sign, that is, to reserve the right to indicate the author's identity and sign on the work; be permitted If a person obtains a deduction license in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, he must indicate the author of the original work on the deduction work.

2.4[Use of the work]

The licensee must use the work in accordance with the relevant rules in the licensing model selected by the licensor; In the process of using the work in accordance with relevant rules, the copyright reserved by the licensor or the copyright-related rights shall not be infringed.

2.5[Reproduction of the agreement]

When the licensee disseminates the work through the information network, he must provide this agreement or the URL of this agreement.

SCA agreement license model

3.1[Only to reserve the right to authorize]

3.1.1[Only to reserve the right to authorize]


The licensor only reserves the right to identify the author and sign the work. If the licensee obtains the interpretation right license in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, it must indicate the author of the original work on the interpretation work. The licensor waives all property rights enjoyed by his work.

3.2[License Information Network Communication Right-Waiver of Remuneration Right]

3.2.1[License Information Network Communication Right]

The licensor grants the licensee the right to disseminate the work to the public through the information network, so that the public can obtain the work at a time and place selected by the public.

3.2.2[Wait the right to receive remuneration]

The licensor waives the right to obtain the royalties paid by the licensee for the use of the work in accordance with the licensing model in this section.

3.3[License Information Network Dissemination Right-Reserve Right to Remuneration]

3.3.1[License Information Network Dissemination Right]

The licensor grants the licensee the right to disseminate the work to the public through the information network, so that the public can obtain the work at a time and place selected by the public.

3.3.2[Reserve the right to be remunerated]

The licensor reserves the right to obtain the royalties paid by the licensee for using the work in accordance with the licensing model in this section.

3.4[License Information Network Communication Right-License Derivative Right-Require License in the Same Way-Abandon Remuneration Right]

3.4.1[License Information Network Dissemination right]

The licensor grants the licensee the right to disseminate the work to the public through the information network, so that the public can obtain the work at a time and place selected by the public.

3.4.2[License right of interpretation]

The licensor grants the licensee the right to adapt, translate, annotate, and organize the work.

3,4.3[Require permission in the same way]

If the licensor grants the licensee the right to adapt, translate, annotate, and organize the work in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, then New works produced by adapting, translating, annotating, and organizing works should be licensed in accordance with the same model as the original work.

3.4.4[Wait the right to receive remuneration]

The licensor waives the right to obtain royalties paid by the licensee for the use of the work in accordance with the licensing model in this section.

3.5[License information network dissemination right-License deduction right-reserve the right to be paid]

3.5.1[License information network dissemination right] p>

The licensor grants the licensee the right to disseminate the work to the public through the information network, so that the public can obtain the work at a time and place selected by the public.

3.5.2[License right of interpretation]

The licensor grants the licensee the right to adapt, translate, annotate, and organize the work.

3.5.3[Reserve the right to be remunerated]

The licensor reserves the right to obtain the royalties paid by the licensee for using the work in accordance with the licensing model in this section.

Optional terms of the SCA agreement

4.1[Validity of terms]

The terms of this chapter are subject to the licensor's choice to determine whether to be bound by it If the licensor does not expressly choose to apply the terms of this chapter, the terms of this chapter do not constitute an integral part of this agreement.

4.2[Royalty Agency]

The licensor uses any of the licensing modes specified in this agreement to publish the work, and it is deemed that the licensor has authorized the SCA The operating agency acts as its royalty agency.

4.3[Dispute Resolution]

The licensor adopts any of the licensing modes specified in this agreement to publish the work, and it is deemed that the licensor agrees to accept the SCA The operating agency serves as the settlement agency for disputes arising from this agreement.

SCA Agreement Supplementary Rules

5.1[Exemption Clause]

The National Digital Copyright Research Base provides this agreement for all parties to the agreement free of charge. But it is not a party to this license agreement, nor does it provide guarantees for any party.

5.2[The agreement is automatically applied]

The works provided under the terms of this agreement are protected by the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China. If the licensee If the rights granted by this license are exercised, the default is to accept and agree to abide by the legal terms of this license, and its use of the work shall not exceed the scope of the license selected by the licensor.

5.3 [Both parties' obligations]

In this agreement, the licensor shall ensure that the validity of the license and that the work does not infringe the rights of others, the licensee It must be guaranteed to use the work in accordance with the "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China" and the mode chosen by the licensor.

5.4[Restrictions on copyright rights]

This agreement does not restrict the restrictions on copyright rights related to fair use as stipulated in the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China Application of terms.

5.5[Severability of the validity of the terms]

If a clause of this agreement is invalid or cannot be performed due to relevant laws, it will not affect the remaining clauses Effectiveness and fulfillability.

5.6[Agreement Integrity and Modification]

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the relevant parties and the licensed work. Neither party is bound by any additional terms proposed by the other party. Without the written agreement of the licensor and the licensee, this agreement shall not be modified.

SCA logo description

[Only reserves the right of authorship] The licensor only reserves the right to indicate the author's identity and sign on the work. If the licensee obtains the interpretation right license in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, it must indicate the author of the original work on the interpretation work. The licensor waives all property rights enjoyed by his work.

[Wait the right to be remunerated] The licensor waives the right to obtain royalties paid by the licensee for using the work under this licensing model.

[Licensed Information Network Dissemination Right] The licensor grants the licensee the right to disseminate the work to the public through the information network, so that the public can obtain it at a time and place selected by the public work.

[Reserve the right to be remunerated] The licensor reserves the right to obtain royalties paid by the licensee for the use of the work under this licensing model.

[License right of interpretation] The licensor grants the licensee the right to adapt, translate, annotate, and organize the work.

[Require permission in the same way] If the licensor grants the licensee the right to use the work in the form of adaptation, translation, annotation, and collation in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall be adapted, New works resulting from the use of works in translation, annotation, and collation methods shall be licensed in accordance with the same model as the original works.

SCA related reports

On the afternoon of October 25, 2009, CCTV News Channel reported the relevant information published by all media, and fully affirmed the new copyright model of the Net together. Together, the editor-in-chief Comrade Zhang Douwei vividly explained the copyright self-help agreement in front of the camera. CCTV fully affirmed the "write together" project in cooperation with the National Digital Copyright Research Base, and said that the network self-service agreement has become a new direction for all-media publishing.

Copyright self-service agreement simplified SCA agreement is an Internet-based copyright solution established and formulated by the National Digital Copyright Research Base of Peking University and the Internet Copyright Research Center of Peking University Law School.

"Yishawang" is committed to returning the rights of copyright transactions from the hands of the website and intermediaries to the authors, so that the author's rights are the author's control. Make copyright transactions fairer and more transparent. And signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the National Digital Copyright Trade Base. “Write Together” specifically designed a “copyright self-service management kernel” for the project in response to the “SCA” agreement, and kept the version synchronized with the National Digital Copyright Research Base of Peking University. Active collaborator of the "SCA" agreement and the first to promote the application, "Write Together" shoulders an arduous and great historical mission.

In order to enable the "SCA" agreement to be recognized by writers and people from all walks of life as soon as possible, "Write Together" has invested a lot of energy and financial resources in the development of the network application core of the agreement, and has obtained Phased results.

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