Management benefits

Management system

Some people think that management is nothing more than the degree of organization. This is a very wrong concept! We believe that system establishment is the basic work of enterprise standardization and is also necessary, but what system does the enterprise need? What systems are needed? System planning should be carried out. System is always the product of demand. Without demand, there is no system. It can be seen that the handling of "systems" determines a manager's management philosophy and system management thinking. This is a management attitude, but also a management concept. Without this concept, management is impossible to talk about. .

1. The modern enterprise management system has clear physical boundaries and value boundaries. It has a certain government agency to perform the functions of the owner on behalf of the country and effectively assume the responsibility of the corresponding investor.

2. The modern enterprise management system usually implements the company system, that is, the system of limited liability companies and joint stock limited companies. According to the requirements of the "Company Law", form an interdependent and check-and-balance corporate governance composed of shareholders' congress, board of directors, board of supervisors and senior managers Structure and function effectively.

3. The modern enterprise management system takes production and operation as its main function, and has clear profit goals. Managers and general employees at all levels obtain income based on business performance and labor contribution. Housing distribution, pension, medical and other welfare services are provided by the market, society or government agencies. Bear.

4. The modern enterprise management system has a reasonable organizational structure, and has formed an effective internal management system and mechanism in the aspects of production, supply and marketing, finance, research and development, quality control, labor and personnel.

5. The modern enterprise management system has rigid budget constraints and reasonable financial structure. It can seek expansion of the enterprise through acquisitions, mergers, alliances, etc., and it can seek assets and other production factors through bankruptcy, mergers, etc. Reconfiguration.

Functions and Responsibilities

Functions define what department of the company does? Responsibility is to define which position does it? This is very important, and it seems that companies are aware of this problem. According to Yingteng's management consulting practice and research, many companies have functions, but they are not comprehensive, and even employees don’t even know about them; or although they have functions, employees are difficult to understand and remember, let alone implement them. Up. So how to solve this problem? In Yingteng Management Consulting, we have summed up a set of effective methods, that is, "modularity". According to the difference of work nature and content, all functions are connected from one module to another. There is both a logical relationship and a logical sequence between them, which is easy to understand and easy to remember. Of course, the responsibilities of each position are the same as the functions, and the reason is as simple as that. Therefore, we believe that the simpler the management, the better, and the simplest "fool management model" is the most ideal. A good manager simplifies management.

Organizational structure

There is a famous saying in management that "structure determines behavior". It can be seen that the importance of the organizational structure. If the structure is determined, then everything will not be changed. It is the important responsibility of managers to determine a reasonable, appropriate and scientific organizational structure. Therefore, the organizational structure design of an enterprise is very important and should be paid attention to. Only when the organizational structure design is scientific, the future management will be smooth and get twice the result with half the effort. Otherwise, any management measures are just empty talk.


Process is the procedures, steps and methods of doing things. Managers have the responsibility and obligation to formulate the company's key business processes, training and coaching layer by layer.

To sum up, companies must do a good job in the management system, functions and responsibilities, organizational structure, and processes. Benefit. In other chapters of this book, there are detailed explanations on management systems, functions and responsibilities, organizational structures, and processes.

Influencing factors

All management strives to improve efficiency, but not all management is effective. Because management can produce positive or negative effects when combining scattered people, money, and things to form a whole. Finding out the factors that affect management efficiency is of great significance for achieving management goals. Management efficiency depends on the following factors:

1, depends onManager

Manager is the main body of management, China plays a leading role and plays a central role. The manager's thoughts and behaviors have a very obvious impact on management efficiency. This is because the ideology of managers is often manifested as the guiding ideology of management in management activities, and this guiding ideology will dominate management actions and show specific management behaviors. The influence of managers' thoughts and behaviors on management benefits is realized through functions and links such as planning, organization, staffing, leadership and control.

2, depends onManaged Objects

Managed benefit indicators are often achieved through the managed objects. Therefore, the managed objects It is also an important factor affecting management efficiency. The object of modern management is an organic system composed of human, financial, material, time, space, information and other elements. Among them, human is the most important. Although the combination of financial, material, time, and information plays an important role in improving management efficiency, this effect can only be achieved through human activities. People's quality level, work responsibility, and the degree of subjective initiative often determine the degree of other management objects' role. Generally speaking, people's quality level is low, and economic development can only be achieved by extensive growth methods, and the benefits are relatively low. With a high level of human quality, coupled with other corresponding financial, material, and information conditions, economic development can be achieved through intensive or knowledge-intensive growth methods, and the benefits of this growth method are much higher.

3. Affected bymanagement environment

Benefits are achieved through effective management activities The management activities are carried out under the influence of the external objective environment. Therefore, the management environment is also an important factor affecting management benefits. The environmental factors that affect management efficiency are: political environment, economic environment, scientific and technological environment, and social psychological environment. The political environment refers to a country's political situation, legal system, line, guidelines, policies, and international situation. The economic environment refers to the economic development outside the management organization, such as the market, capital, bank credit, national economic situation, etc. These factors affect the effectiveness of modern management through the role of value laws and other aspects. The scientific and technological environment refers to the external scientific and technological development status of the management organization, scientific and technological information, etc. These factors affect the effectiveness of modern management by affecting labor productivity. The social psychological environment refers to various social psychological phenomena outside the management organization, mainly including social norms, public opinion, morality, fashion, herd psychology, etc. These factors are through the spiritual culture of the management organization, interpersonal relationships and the psychological behavior of the members of the organization Affect management efficiency.

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