
data oli

1 Ominaisuudet: punainen kuutiokristalli. Kosteuden imeytyminen. Hajoaminen kuumennettaessa.

2 Liukoisuus: liukenee veteen, alkoholiin, eetteriin, asetoniin, pyridiiniin. Ei liukene kloroformiin, tolueeniin.

Rakenteen ominaisuudet

to form sulfur iron cyanide followed the "hybrid DSP" iron arrangement extranuclear formula: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 6 4s 2 or [Ar] 3d 6 4s 2 . Since there are five tracks 3d level, so that the iron loss of three electrons, iron ions formed is formed in the half-filled d orbital. Ratio of ferrous ion thereby lose two electrons to form stable. (See rule Hund) passes through the reformer, there are two 3d orbitals, one 4s and three 4p orbital tracks hybridization, to form a "DSP hybrid orbital" (the track rail type). Thereby know the extending direction of the electron cloud is octahedron, which is expressed as complex ions: [Fe (SCN) 6 ] 3 - .

Computational Chemistry Data ​​h2>

1, hydrofobinen parametri viitearvon (XlogP) laskemiseksi: no

2, vetysidoksen luovuttajien lukumäärä: 0

< p> 3, the number of hydrogen bond acceptor: 6

4, pyörivästi kemiallinen luku: 0

5, keskinäisten tautomeerien lukumäärä: ei

6, topologinen molekyylin polaarinen pinta-ala: 74,4


7, raskaiden atomien lukumäärä: 10

8, pintavaraus: 0

9, complexity: 31.3 < / p>

10, isotooppiatomien lukumäärä: 0

11, määrittää atomien lukumäärän stereokeskus: 0

12, epävarmien atomien lukumäärä stereokeskus: 0

13, määrittääksesi kemiallisen sidoksen stereokeskuksen numeron: 0

14, epävarman kemiallisen sidoksen stereokeskuksen määrä: 0

15, the number of covalent bond units: 4 < / p>


method 3Ba (SCN) 2 + method Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 = 2Fe (SCN) 3 + 3BaSO 4 .

Equal amounts of Ba (SCN) 2 solution and Fe 2 (SO 4 ) < sub>3 mixed solution, place some time. Was removed by filtration BaSO 4 precipitate. The filtrate was placed on the ceramic desiccator until small crystals appear. From the solution was poured large crystals, and then evaporated. Repeated several times until a constant component of the crystal.


1, may be utilized in the analytical chemistry iron thiocyanate solution was red color to test Fe 3 + and the presence of color Determination of Fe 3 + .

on the method used to identify the iron sulfur ferricyanide: Take SCN - solution, and 3Mixed Fe +, i.e. there appeared blood red. The color is more pronounced in amyl alcohol or ether. However, it must be removed nitrite, otherwise it will generate before the experiment NOSCN, red color reaction, interference experiments, but the red disappear after heating. Sodium carbonate solution will interfere with the experiment, the iron hydroxide precipitate was generated, and color development time is not long, it will soon be reduced to a colorless sulfur ferrocyanide.

fluori, elohopeakloridi voi punaista valkaisuainetta:

2 [FeSCN 2 + ] + HgCl 2 = 2 [Fe 3 + ] + 2Cl - + Hg (SCN) 2

Fe (SCN) 3 + 6F - = [FeF 6 ] 3 - + 3SCN -

< p> PO4 3 - , Ac - , IO 3 - interference experiments. Fe (SCN) 3 color is actually mainly [FeSCN] 2 + color. [Fe (CN) 6 ] 3 - with Fe 2 + effect generated blue precipitate, this phenomenon can be used to verify Fe 3 + if it contains Fe 2 + .

2, punaiselle verelle usein ominaisten videoteosten käyttö veren jäljittelemiseksi, halutun kuvantamisvaikutuksen saavuttamiseksi.

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