Wuyi Culong National Park

World Natural Heritage

Basic Information

Heritage Name: Wuyi Culong National Park

ujung Kulon National Park

Selection Time: 1991

Approval Basil: Natural Heritage (VII) (X)

Geographical Location: S06 45 00 E105 19 60

Heritage number: 608

Wuyi Culong National Park

Heritage Description

Upper Culong National Park (Indonesian: Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon) is located in Wan Dan, the West End of Java ( "Pandeglang Regency, adjacent to the Indian Ocean, approximately 300 km from Jakarta. Ujung Kulon, Indonesian is the most west. The park has some other islands such as Kelamato volcano and Panaitan, Handeuleum, and Peucang. The total area is 1206 square kilometers (including 443 square kilometers of oceans), and the main part is the Wuyi Kurulong peninsula that is prominent in his strait. Heritage projects include five heritage points: Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Red Leaf Nature Reserve, Panaitan Island, Peucang Island, Kati Krakatau Nature Reserve, the area included in the heritage is 785.25 square kilometers.

In 1991, according to the standard Natural Heritage Selection Based on the standard N (VII) (X), Wu Xi Kuelong National Park was approved by the world's largest low-estimate rainforest ecosystem, UNESCO World Heritage Committee approved as Natural Heritage is included in the World Heritage List.

World Heritage Committee Evaluation

Ma Yigkun National Park is located in the southwestern end of Java Island in his continent, including the Ma Yizu Dragon Peninsula and a few near island, of which There is a Krakatoa protected area. The natural scenery is beautiful, and it is of great significance in geological research, especially for inland volcanic research. In addition, there is also a low-regional rainforest of the java plain. There are several end-critical plants that have been threatened, which is the largest threat is Javanese rhinoceros.

Heritage Introduction

Wuyi Kurong National Park is the first national park in Indonesia, and is included in the World Heritage List by UNESCO in 1991. In the protection of the world's largest lowland rainforest on Java island. The more common plants are palm trees and have a large area of ​​swamps and mangroves. 57 rare plant species were also protected in the park.

Indonesia's earliest natural national park

Ma Yigkon National Park is the earliest national park in Indonesia, located in the southwest of Java Peninsula, affiliated to West Java . This national park includes other islands such as Kelamato volcano and Bana Yandan, Hantuolun, and Patgate. The main part is the Ma Yigu Dragon Peninsula that is highlighted towards him.

Ma Yumeikong is a long square peninsula, highlighting from the southwestern part of Java, there is a 1-2 km wide narrow and associated, north, south, west The three-sided sea, adjacent to the Indian Ocean, the vast Indian Sea area is the main path of the park, and the only inland border is the Hongjie Mountains in the eastern part. The highest peak of the mountain is the highest point of the Mashakukon National Park. It is altitude 620 meters of Hongjie ancient peaks.

The ruins of the sea digit from the sea level to 620 meters. Among them, Wu Xikong is a semi-president, which highlights from the southwestern part of Java, and there is a narrow gentle and narrow in 1-2 km. The southwestern part of the peninsula is occupied by the mountains of three north and south. The climate is a typical tropical marine climate. The annual precipitation is around 3294 mm. October to April is the peak period of precipitation. May to September is the dry season. The monthly precipitation is only 100mm, and the rainy season is 400 Mm is around. The average annual temperature is 25 degrees to 30 degrees, the humidity is very high, over 65%.

1883, the area of ​​Kara Tato, the roshan, and a tsunami, destroying the villages and crops in the coastal area of ​​Bana, and also covered a layer on the local land. About 30 cm of volcanic ash. This disaster triggered a large evacuation of nearby residents, thus causing this area to become a paradise of many animals and plant species.

Animal and plant resources

Wuyi Kuelong National Park (5)

Wuyi Kuron North, South, West Sanctuary Adjacent to the Indian Ocean, the vast Indian Sea area is the main path of the park, and its only inland border is the Hongjie Mountains in the eastern part. The highest peak of the mountain is the highest point of the Wuyi Culong National Park is at an altitude of six hundred and twenty meters. Hongjie ancient peaks. The animals and plants here are mainly survived in low-estuary rainforest, marsh, mangroves and seafront environments. When you visit the Javanese Peninsula, you can also sneak into the fine coral reef jungle. In the island rainforest, swamp, mangroves and seafront forest vegetation, one of the most obvious characteristics is that the palm trees can be seen everywhere, and Andick Clark Di Island is formed after the explosion of the Clark special fire, and the amount of animal and plants on the island is relatively scarce and their respective development history is relatively short, and only some small animals and some birds have gradually perched on this lava all over this lava; On the sea level, vegetation is mainly distributed in grassland, seaside forests, rainforests and moss. The plants in the region are lush, covering the sky, growing many moss. Wu Xikong Park is the only habitat of existing Javanese rhinoceros. Java Tiger has disappeared 40 years ago, and the Wuyi Culong National Park saves the world's endangered java rhinoceros, and this is the most important reason for the declaration of Wuyi Culong National Park as the World Cultural Heritage. The number of rare but very dangerous Javanese rhinoquat is estimated to be only 50 to 60, belongs to a very rare, extremely precious rare species.

Wuyi Kushon National Park has 240 kinds of birds, 142 fish, more than 80 kinds of crawling and amphibians, 72 insects, 35 mammals, 33 kinds of coral reefs, 5 primates, There are also many other special wild animals such as Java monkey / gibbon (Hylobates Moloch), Presbytis Aygula (Cuon Alpinus Javanicus), Bos Javanicus, Silver Bike / Java Gibbon (Hylobates Moloch, Javalaris, Macaca Fascicularis, Java Parus MLAS, Java Timorensis, et al.

inside The most precious unicorn rhinoceros is chosen as a national park sign. The unicorn rhinoceros is also known as one of the most rare mammals in the world. He has been included in an extremely endangered species by the International Nature Protection Alliance (IUCN). Red list. It has more than 700 plants from the ocean to the tropical mountain, and 57 of them are more classified as a Java, including Batryohora Geniculata, Cleidion SpiciFloriacea, Cleidion Spicifloriacea, and Knema Globularia.

Heritage protection

Some regions of Ma Yigkon National Park have been protected early in the early 20th century, and Kelamato is already announced in 1921. Nature Reserve, Bana Yama and Benwater Tibetan also established nature reserves in 1937. In 1958, the Mahaysaguon Nature Reserve was established. In 1991, the Mahaysako Don Dynasty Nature Reserve was established. Ma Yuekong National Park. By 2005, Wuyi Kuelong National Park was also designated as the Southeast Asian National League Heritage Park. In addition, the Indonesian government also protects Java in the form of law.

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