Table of catalog

Category Directory Method

includes a classification, classification reference, and organization of classification guidance cards. Classification is arranged in the order of the classification system used in the classification method. The same number of paragraphs or by the author name, or the title name, or in accordance with the annual monthly semicolon sections (see the same book arrangement). The classification reference destination organization is based on the classification system of the classification directory, and various reference payments are ranked before the classification focus of the related class. The classification instruction card is a card labeled a classification number and a category name, which is arranged before the classification of the class.

Table of catalog

Word Show Directory Organization

includes the title catalog method, the responsible directory organizational method and the subject directory organization. 1 The title catalog organizes, including the title of the title, the title of reference, the title and the title guidance card. The title of the title is based on the inspection method of some text. For example, the Chinese title is arranged in the first order of the penstick or the Chinese Pinyin Vulnerary Drawing method or the four-corner number. The title first is the same as the second and subsequent sequences of the two words (or words). The title is exactly the same, according to the word scriptures; the title and the same version of the same version, according to the secondary row. The title of the title is based on the listing of the title catalog, and various reference payments are ranked before the title of the title. The title is guided by a single word, a single word or a word, and a complete title of some important literature. Generally, every 30 tests must be set to set a guidance card, and in the order of the inspection methods used in the directory, they are discharged before the title of the title. 2 Responsible Directory (commonly known as the Catalog) Organizational Law, including the responsible payment, the responsible reference to the item and the responsible person's organization. The responsible person's payment is based on the same organizational basis, and the same as the title name is the same as the second and its subsequent sequences of the words (or words). The different works of the same author, the name of the title is the same; the title is the same, and the book is row. The responsible person shall be based on the Word Sushing System of the Responsible Catalog, and various reference payments are ranked prior to the relevant responsible. The responsible person guides the first word (word) or a full name of the title (word) or full name of the name of the responsible person. Generally, every 30 authorities set a guidance card, using the same organizational basis and arrangement method as the title tag card. 3 Topic catalog organizes, including topics, topics, reference, titles, and topic guidance cards. The subject matter of the subject matter is based on the inspection method used by the subject matter, then the same as the title, the title of the title (or word), the title of the post, the title of the post. The subject matter is based on the word smooth system specified by the subject matter, and various reference payments are ranked before the subject. The subject guidance card indicates a single word or a word on the subject. Generally, each 30 subject payment set a guidance card, which is discharged to the topic.

Niannian catalog method

mainly according to the order of writing time, the same copy of the writing time is set, the writing time is unknown, according to the annual or estimate Annual moon.

District catalog method

mainly according to regional specialty tables, the same payment of the country or region, first serve in the country, and then row according to the region name. The same name of the same country, according to a certain number of regions.

Due to the national standards of China's unprocated catalog, the contents of the library catalog organizes, and the provisions of various technical methods are not the same. The above sect of directory organizational methods are only more popular in various directory organizational law. (See library catalog, directory, reference method)

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