Business Insider

synonym businessinsider generally refers to the Business Insider

Financing Record

According to Venture Inspection Media Report, due to April 5, 2013, Business Insider has received 5 rounds of external investment. A total of $ 1.8.6 million:

July 16, 2008, Business Insider got $ 900,000 seed round financing;

May 21, 2009, Business Insider got 2.7 million US dollar C-wheel financing;

July 28, 2010, Business Insider got $ 3 million D-rape research and development funding;

Septent 22, 2011, Business Insider got 7 million US dollar entrepreneurial risk investment;

April 5, 2013, Business Insider gains $ 5 million E-ranging financing by Jeff Besos.

Report style

Businessinsider as a new media, the report of the news is also different from traditional media. Its founder Henry Blodet shares the road, they use multiple large pictures, with certain instructions, to present a report. Henry said this way is "Slideshows", which is in a high phase of the conventional media. However, in fact, readers like this report, "Graphic and Mao is unbelievable". However, some people criticize the headline of BusinessInderer's headquarters, with the article content, and Chinese commonly known as the "headline party". It is also believed that the business insider is a marketing tool called "linkait". But also supporters believe that Businessinsider's practice is actually incorporated by readers, because bored headings can't attract readers, naturally can't let readers go to read, know what the latest news is in the latest news. The process of BusinessInder is just bringing more information to the reader, allowing the reader to know the value of the message.

Operation status

BusinessInsider As of 2013, several rounds of financing have been completed, and earnings have been achieved in 2010. There are about 100 teams, including Silicon Alley Insider, ClustersTock, and other assets.

April 5, 2013 US Well-known Science and Technology Blog Business Insider has completed a new round of $ 5 million in financing, and the main investors are Amazon CEO Jeff Bessos.

Cooperation Tencent

February 17, 2014, Tencent and Business Insider signed a cooperation agreement, becoming an exclusive content partner of Business Insider Greater China, exclusive Chinese version of the copyright .

After the cooperation of the two sides, the quality content of Business Insider will recommend domestic readers who pay more attention to global financial technology news through the media platform for

As a well-known financial science and technology news website, Business Insider is widely acclaimed by providing hot news stories and prestige. This website established in 2007 quickly got readers' recognition in the news presentation of traditional media. Business Insider makes news "Graphic Tongmao", and through comprehensive optimization of news titles and content, quickly grabbed the reader's eye in Internet information.

Business Insider investors include a well-known person such as Jeff Beamo, Jeff Bezes. The data of third-party traffic statistics website Alexa shows that the business Insider has more than a website of the financial Times and the famous media such as Bloomberg. is the largest Chinese portal in China, dedicated to providing readers with more valuable news content in the new media era. Today, Today, passes news through websites, news clients, IM platforms, social platforms, and other high-quality channels, etc., personalized users and readers.

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