Хан Шу · География

is written by the Eastern Han scholar class, and it is one of the "Han Shu" in 54 to 92 Books. It has reviewed the construction of the Kaifeng State, Han Dynasty, and the mountains, households, materials, customs and culture, and preserved the Han Dynasty and their previous many precious geographic materials. It is a work in the history of Chinese geography. The content includes 3 people: 1 transcribed the full text of "Shangshu · Yong" and "Zhou Li · Mass", and is slightly inflated by the language, briefly describe the evolution and development of the previous generation political geography. 2 Narratate the setting of the regional regions in the end of the Western Han Dynasty, with 103 county (national) and 1587 counties (Tao, Qi, Houguo). In the county (country), its jurisdiction is based on Yuan Dilings and the beginning of Yugu (BA), the name and the number of households are broken in the second year (AD 2), some counties (national) Some important natural and economic conditions are also described; in the county (Tao, Qi, Houguo) strip, according to the characteristics of different regions, record relevant mountains and rivers, water conservancy, specialty, official operating industrial deposits, famous Jutche, Temple, monuments Wait. According to statistics, there were 36 Salt Officers, and the iron officials totaled 48, which reflected the distribution of official yards and iron production sites at that time; remembering more than 300 waterways and 陂,, lake and pool; the waterway, most The origin and flow direction are explained in the county strips where the source is located. The larger river also records the quilted tributary and acts. This provides a reliable basis for understanding the situation of ancient and modern rivers. This part is the main part of "Han Shu · Geography". 3 According to Liu Xiang 's "Domain" and Zhu Fu's "custom", some of the economic and human geography of the Han Dynasty, and the regional division and partition overview of the country, but also contains the briefings and navigation routes from the South China Sea. It is China's first geographic book with the main body of the territory and political district, has created the construction of the territorial geography (with a certain period of ten sectoral regions as the main body, transplanting various districts of mountains and rivers) and the geography. The 15 positive history geography and various geographicism after Han, are all codified by it. Its advantages: 1 The contents described in each county and counties are very rich. 2 The third part has the nature of regional geographicism, and is more comprehensive. 3 The object described is not limited to the Contemporary Geography of the Western Han Dynasty, and it also includes historical geography. The names of the original in the ancient Chinese are many, that is, since the "Han Shu · Geography" is annotated using the man to make a correct position. 4 has a wide range of scope, east to Japan, west to the western Gansu (Western Region Geographic "in" Han Shu, Western Region ", south to Vietnam, north to Yin Mountain, also more detailed on the side area. So it is also a must study for the geography of ancient frontiers. Its shortcoming is that Zhicen is too simple. If you do not give evidence, it is difficult to understand its correct meaning; the system has no difference before and after; Bo Caizhong said that it has not been added, or the actual situation has changed, but still appears to be reported, causing narrative Contradictions before and after the text. Reference Bibli Tan: "Han Shu · Geography> Choice", "Ancient Chinese Geographic His Choice" First Series, Science Press, Beijing, 1959.

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