Guilin Gongcheng Temple

synonym Gongcheng Wen Temple generally refers to Guilin Gongcheng Wenmia


Според данни, Daoguang двадесет и две години (1842), някои хора вярват, че оригиналната храмова стая е малка, няма шампион, така че официалното правителство изпрати Уанг Янжоу и Мо Ли Танг двама души в Шандонг Куфу посети храма на Конфуций. Той е проектиран с храма Куфу като модел, събра огромни суми пари и покани занаятчии да реконструират от Гуангдонг, Хунан и други места. След две години тя е завършена. Най-големият Конфуций в Гуанси. Четирите години на Qing Xianfeng (1854) бяха унищожени при войниците, а единадесетте Qing Xianfeng (1861) бяха ремонтирани отново. Ремонтирал съм повече от 20 пъти по-късно. През 1963 г. народното правителство на автономния регион Гуанси Джуан разпределя поддръжка и се превръща в ключова единица за защита на културни реликви за автономните региони.

Zhenyuan door

Wenmiao is sitting in the north, 6 degrees in the South, overlooking the tea river, back to Indians, Ren Mountain, laying layer-by-layer, see solemn. The temple covers an area of ​​3,600 square meters and the building area is 1300 square meters. From both sides of the ear entry, the east gate is called a gift door, the West is called Yi Road, the door is a hundred list, and "the civil and military officials come down" to show the solemn temple. The front is the wall, no door, it is said that some people have a champion, only to open the door in the middle of the wall, weigh the gate, want to enter the gates from the gate, only the firing.

Guilin Gongcheng Temple (9)

After the founding of New China, in order to facilitate the masses, open the championship. The Shi Star Gate is the Han Gaozu's life. It is used in Confucius Temples. The door is full of bluestone, and there is three big characters "棂 棂 门", as well as a double dragon play bead, Shuangfeng Chaoyang and other reliefs. Six small stone lions peek at the top of the six big stone columns of the Saxie Gate. After the Saxie door, it was Zantai, and it was called the Moon Pool. The stone was homoked. There is a stone arch bridge across the pool, and the chaamish bridge is called the champion. There is a way to pass. The bluestone of the clouds, the meaning of "Qing Yun straight". Two layers of platforms on the Sunday meter are large. Dachengmen consists of eleven wooden doors, wooden structures, door swords on the building space, is lifelike. The east of Dae Chengmen is a famous temple. The west is the township, which is for the places of the first, and the convincing, with one hundred and forty-three spiritual positions. Behind the big door is a patio, there is a large platform, called Xingtan, also called the comradip, the legend is the place where Confucius lescons. The top of the tip is the Dacheng Hall, the main building for the Wen Temple, the face is five, in the deep three, there are ten brick columns, 18 pieces of wooden pillars, fourteen, doors and windows, and the door and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, and the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and window, the mouth and the mouth "are carved. The roof is flying high, heavy horses, rhender, mud, color, glazed, golden brilliant. The gods in the Dacheng Temple are the place to serve the Confucius spirit. After the Temple, Chong Hall is the temple to serve the five generations of the ancestors, and the Chongsheng Temple and Dacheng Hall are very particular in building construction, and the size is high.

Всяка година през пролетта (2 август) се провежда жертвоприношение в главната зала. Свещената заря, всички официални дрехи, поредни, събрани дарове, а инструментът е изключително грандиозен.

Най-доброто време за пътуване

Храмът Guilin Gongcheng Wen е подходящ за екскурзии, 4-7 месеца е най-доброто време за пътуване всяка година, храмът Guilin Gongcheng Wen се намира в област Гуилин, Гуанси Принадлежи към субтропичния мусонен климат, климатът е по-мек, лятото е зима , годишните валежи са повече, слънцето е достатъчно, годишната температура е 19 градуса, светлината е достатъчна, четирите сезона са разделени, зимата не е студена, лятото не е горещо. Разбира се, при пътуване трябва да се обърне внимание на промените във времето, за да не се повлияе.

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