Well-off level


Well-off level:

xiǎo kānɡ shuǐ pínɡ

Deng Xiaoping said: "To achieve a small way, it is not bad, day More than a better level ", China" is from the gross national product, that is, the year has reached $ 800. " Thirteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China will double the total agricultural output in 2000, and the people 's lives meet the second strategic objectives of Xiaoyang level as China's economic development.

Causes of

The so-called well-off level means that the quality of life is further improved on the basis of the warmth, and the quality of life is further improved. This requirement includes both material life improvement, including spiritual life, including increasing consumption levels of residents, and improvements in social welfare and labor environments. "Because the people live in this century, life is rich in small-off, and the living materials are more prosperous. The consumption structure has been reasonable. The living conditions is significantly improved. The cultural life is further abundant, and the health level will continue, and social service facilities continue to improve."

There are two different systems of different systems in China and foreign countries: First, the consumption structure is the standard of reference coefficient, that is, the proportion of expenditures used to purchase food in consumption expenditure is 50% (Engel coefficient); Taking the per capita GDP (GDP) as a reference standard.


1984, Comrade Deng Xiaoping proposed: "The so-called well-off, from the gross national product, the average person has reached $ 800."

Regarding the assessment of living standards, there are specific indicators such as human development index (HDI), nutrition index, and various industries. According to "Beijing Youth Daily".

1, Xiaokang's coming by: "Xiaokang" first appeared in my country's oldest poetry classic "Book of Songs": "People are also labor, and well-off". This is the first appearance of "Xiaokang" in Chinese culture. "Small Wellness", "Xiaokang: Refers to the family life is relatively large, can be safe."

2, "Xiaokang" introduction: Deng Xiaoping first uses "Xiaokang" to meet China's four modernization .

As the chief designer of China's reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping actually taught the development path of China's 1980 to the 21st century, which not only predicts the goals of China's development, but also identified step-by-step implementation steps. The 16th National Congress of the 16th National Congress is the third step of his planning in accordance with the actual situation of China's development.


3, Xiaokang's standards and my country's current stage: 1991 national statistics and plan, financial, health, education, etc. researchers form a topic group In accordance with the central and State Council's connotation, 16 basic detection and brilliance values ​​were identified. These sixteen indicators set the basic standards of well-off: (1) per capita GDP 2500 yuan (calculated according to the price and exchange rate in 1980, 2500 yuan equivalent to $ 900); (2) urban per capita disposable income 2400 yuan; (3) peasant per capita net income of 1200 yuan; (4) 12 square meters of urban per capita housing; (5) The per capita area of ​​rural steel wood structure is 15 square meters; (6) Human protein intake of 75 grams; (7) The city has 8 square meters of paving area; (8) 85% of the rural road executive village; (9) Engel coefficient 50%; (10) Adult literacy rate 85%; (11) Per capita expected life 70 years old (12) Baby mortality rate 31 ‰; (13) Educational entertainment expenditure is 11%; (14) The spread rate of the TV is 100%; (15) Forest coverage is 15%; (16) Rural primary health care basic qualified county 100%.

The sixteen indicators can be used to measure this sixteen indicators. According to the result, we can hear to the world: a large country of 1.4 billion people, the people's living standards basically reach a well-off level. In the new century, we are based on this basis to build a well-off society.


The difference between Xiaoyang level and well-off society: two points from well-off levels and well-off society:

first, first, the range is different. According to my country's national conditions, we build a well-off focus on solving the temperature and food, improving the material civilization, and Deng Xiaoping's well-off society is not a simple substance civilization, and should include spiritual civilization and political civilization.

second, the standard is different. For example, the gross domestic product is twisted by 2020, then this goal, the per capita GDP is more than $ 3,000, which is in line with the level of the world's banking level four classification standards.

can be sure that when detection and quantifying the comprehensive construction process, not only the statistical critical value of the people's living standards, but also fully reflect the development process of spiritual civilization and political civilization.

Comprehensive Well - off Society: The 16th National Congress of the 16th National Congress has defined the specific content of comprehensive construction of a well-off society from the four aspects of economic, political, cultural and sustainable development. Especially the requirements for sustainability development capabilities are included therein. Specifically, six "more": "the economy is more developed, democracy is more improved, more advances in education, more prosperous culture, more harmonious society, people live more and more,"

The basic standards of comprehensive construction of a well-off society include The ten aspects:

One is that the per capita has more than $ 3,000. This is the fundamental sign of building a comprehensive well-off society.

The second is that urban residents may dispose of 18,000 yuan.

The third is that rural residents' per capita net income is 8,000 yuan.

fourth is that the Engel coefficient is less than 40%.

5 is a per capita housing area of ​​30 square meters.

six is ​​a urbanization rate of 50%.

7 is 20% of the resident family computer penetration.

8 is 20% of the university enrollment rate.

nine is 2.8 people per thousand people.

10 is the minimum living standard of urban residents or more.

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