The new modern Chinese dictionary

Brief introduction

The "New Modern Chinese Dictionary" has a unique style, diverse functions, and precise content. The style arrangement takes into account both scientificity and practicality. Each prefix (single-character entry) is accompanied by functional columns such as pronunciation, number of strokes, radicals, structure, character creation, and Wubi font short code. In this way, it can not only help primary school students to solve practical problems in their studies, but also enrich the basic knowledge of Chinese characters for senior students.

Catalogue of books


Chinese Pinyin syllable index

The radical checklist

(1) List of radicals

(2) Checklist table



Chinese Pinyin plan

2 Fourteen solar terms table

Hundred Family Names

Three-character Classic

Thousand-character Script

Disciple Guidance

Punctuation Usage

Summary table of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government

Table of Chinese epochs

Table of units of measurement

Top 50 tourist attractions in the world


Knowledge of ancient Chinese grammar

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