Quality and energy


energy has a number of states. Any moving object has a physician so-called "kinetic energy" because of its own movement. The size of the kinetic energy is related to the motion speed and quality of the object. ("Quality" is very similar to "weight", but not exactly the same) placed on the shelf with "gravitational potential energy". Because if the shelf is removed, it has the possibility of achieving kinetic energy (due to gravity).

heat is also a form of energy, which ultimately can be attributed to the kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules of the substance, and there are many other forms of energy.

Quality and energy

Energy Conservation

The reason why the above phenomenon is linked, that is, the links between them are energy conservation. This law is that if we add all the energy in the universe (we can quantify energy like a joule or kWh), the total amount will never change. This, energy never produces or eliminated, although they can be converted from one form to another. For example, a car is a device that can convert (in the engine's cylinder) kinetic energy; bulb (can) convert electrical energy into light energy (this is also in the form of two).

Einstein Quality Equation

Einstein found another form of energy in his relativeism, sometimes referred to as "static energy". A moving object has energy due to its movement. But Einstein found that the same object also has energy at its still movement. The number of static energy in the object depends on its quality and given in formula E = MC2.

Since the speed is such a large number, the static energy of a typical object is not comparable to the other types of energy it has. But this is not important, because the static energy of the object in daily life is the state of "quiet", and will not be converted to other forms of energy, such as thermal energy or kinetic energy we can notice. In nuclear power plants, atomic weapons and sun have relatively few partial static quality transformed into other forms, but for most situations, static energy is usually not noticed.

The sum of the kinetic energy and static energy of an object can also be very easy to express as follows:

E = MC2γ

Note, at daily speed In the middle, γ is approximately equal to 1. Therefore, the sum of the dynamic energy is approximately equal to a single static energy. In other words, in the daily speed, the static energy can be much larger. However, when the speed is very close to the light speed, the γ can be more than 1 (the static energy is only related to the quality of the object, and whether it is not related to its motion). This is very important for the Physicians of the Particle Accelerator in the Cern Laboratory of Chicago and the Swiss border.

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