Population average life expectancy

Synonyms Per capita expectancy generally refers to the average expected life of the population


The average expected life is at a certain older mortality level, and it can continue to continue the exact age. The number of survival is a metrology that measures a healthy level of a country, national and regional residents. It can reflect the high and low quality of social life. Social economic conditions, health care level limits people's life. So different society, different periods, the length of human life has a great difference; at the same time, due to individual differences such as physical, genetic factors, living conditions, it also makes each person's life long and short difference.

This indicator has a close relationship with gender, age, and race, so it often needs to be calculated separately. The average expected life is our most commonly used expected life indicator, which shows an important number of survival of new birth populations, which is an important indicator of metrics health.

The length of life is restricted by two aspects. On the one hand, social and economic conditions, health care standards limits people's life, so different society, different periods, life expectancy has a great difference; on the other hand, due to individuals such as physical, genetic factors, living conditions, Also give each person's life long and short difference. Therefore, although it is difficult to predict how long the life of a particular person is, it can be calculated and told at a certain death level by scientific method, and each person is expected to survive the annual number of years. This is the average life expectancy of the population.


The average expected life of the population is a measure of a social economic development level and the level of medical and health services. The average life expectancy of Europeans in BC is only 20 years old, and it continues to slowly extend slowly. It reaches 40 years old in 1850, that is, in the long history of 2000, finally prolongs double. Calculate this calculation, the average is one year old. This extremely slow growth rate is clearly related to the slow development of ancient social productivity. The 19th century is a turning point. With the liberation of the industrialization revolution, the liberation of social productivity, the average life expectancy of the population rises rapidly! Within more than 100 years since 1850, the average expected life of Europeans has increased by about 30 years. According to the 1977 UN Population Yearbook, the average 72-year-old level has reached the level of 72 years old, which is the advancement of medical technology and the health environment. Improvement is not open. In particular, antibiotics discovery and immunotrophic applications, extinguishing various epidemic infectious diseases (such as cholera, ceramics, mouse hypothesis), which have made the ancient population, so that European population average life expectancy in this century Every decade increased to 2.3 years old, with a distinct contrast with ancient formation.

Calculation method

The calculation of the average expected life of the population is used to use a series of mathematical formulas. If you are described by text, the method of calculating the average life expectancy of the population is: tracking the survey of a number of people born, and minutes from the death of their deaths until the end of the last person, then according to this The number of people lived to various ages to calculate the average life of the population. The average life of these people is used to assume that a generation of people's average life is the average life expectancy. Because in fact, it is very difficult to track the entire complete life process of born people, when actual calculations, often use the mortality level of each age population in the same year, instead of the same generation in different ages. The mortality level and then calculate the average number of people in the population of each age, thereby calculating the average life expectancy of this year. Therefore, the average expected life of the population is related to the mortality level of the same time.

China's case

In June 2018, the National Health Committee issued the "2017 my country Health Work Development Statistics Publication". According to the report, in 2017, the per capita life expectancy of Chinese residents increased from 76.5 years in 2016 to 76.7 years old, and the baby mortality fell from 7.5 ‰ to 6.8 ‰, and the mortality rate of maternal fell from 19.9 / 100,000 to 19.6 / 100,000.

October 14, 2020, the National Health Department issued a statistical communique. In 2019, the per capita life expectancy of my country's residents reached 77.3 years old, raising 0.96 years from 2015, and the main health indicators overall in the forefront of China and high income countries. . The prolonged priority of per capita expectancy witnessed the continuous improvement of my country's medical health system during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.

October 28, 2020, the National New Office held the "13th Five-Year" Health and Health Care Reform Development Conference. From the end of 2015 to 2019, China's per capita expectancy increased from 76.3 to 77.3 years old, that is, it has increased by 1 year in 4 years. Maternal mortality, infant mortality, children under 5 years old, from 20.1 / 100,000, 8.1 ‰, 10.7 ‰ to 17.8 / 100,000, 5.6 ‰, 7.8 ‰, major health indicators overall than medium and high-income countries The average level, the proportion of personal health expenditure accounts for 28.4%, and the healthy China construction has achieved a good start.

All countries


July 21, 2021 (local time), US Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC The release report shows that the US per capita expectancy fell by 1.5 to 77.3 in 2020, which is the biggest drop since World War. The report shows:

2020 US per capita expectancy is 77.3 years old, down 1.5 years older than 2019. Among them, male expectancy is 74.5 years old, down 1.8 years older than 2019; women's expected life is 80.2 years old, down 1.2 years old than 2019.

2020, the Latino expected life of the United States is 78.8 years old, with a 3 year old with 2019; American African expectancy is 71.8 years old, 2.9 years old; American white expectancy is 77.6 years old The decline is 1.2 years old.

According to statistics, the US per capita expectancy has been growing in the past few decades. After 2015, the per capita expected life begins to maintain a level, maintained at the age of 78.7.

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