Phoenix duck

Profile Characteristics

Fengsheng Duck (12 photos)

Fengsheng Dried Bird Head and Neck Black, luster. Heads have long black crown feathers behind the head. The back, the tail and the tail are deep black; the back, shoulders and wings are burst on the side of the milk and white small spot, the outer junior flying feathers and the feathers dark brown, the inside is light brown; inside junior flying feathers The outer near-base white; the outer secondary flying feathers white, with broad black end spots, forming a white wing mirror and rear black edge; inside the secondary flying feathers and three flying feathers dark brown, tail frit, abdomen and two threats White. Female birds, neck, chest and whole upper body dark brown, the crown is also dark brown, but the big male bird is short, and there is no shiny. The amount of the gap is not very exciting. The chest is light brown, microaceous with white spots; lower chest, abdomen and two threatened white, with unspeakable light brown spots, tail-catching dark brown. The male bird is non-breeding, but the head and neck and upper body are darker, lower belly is light gray, and the two stress is pastelous.

The young bird is similar to the female, but the head and upper body are pale brown, with a yellow-yellow feather ring; the head is dark.

The iris gold yellow, the mouth is blue gray or lead gray, the mouth is black, the stagnation is gray, and the black is black.

size measuring: weight ♂ 515-800 grams, ♀550-840 grams, body length ♂374-432 mm, ♀ 343-490 mm; mouth 37-70 mm, ♀36-42 mm Wings 185-214 mm, ♀191-205 mm; tail ♂ 38-58 mm, ♀ 49-79 mm; 跗 跗 ♂ 30-35 mm, ♀30-38 mm. (Note: Male-♂; female-♀)

Habitating Environment

Mainly inhabit in the lake, river, reservoir, pond, swamp, river, etc. The breeding season is also selected in the broad lake and river area of ​​the shore plant.

Phoenix duck

Living habits

The pokes duck is a migrate bird. Every March of March, I migrated from the south of North China and Northeast China. In mid-April, the Northeast East Minister Baishan and Northeast Northeast Heilongjiang Province. In the late September, South Movement began in early October; at the end of November to November. Tempete often integrate large groups.

Sexual fairy. Often integrated group activities, especially during migration, and in winter, often integrate hundreds of large groups. Good swimming and diving, can sneak into the water 2-3 meters deep. The tail is dated down on the water at the end of swimming. Changcy group is in the blue wave of the lake, with the wave, rarely on the shore shallow water or turbid water. When you take off, the two wings are rapid to shoot the water. When you run a distance from the water, you can fly, it is awkward and flexible, but it flew up, the flight is very fast and powerful.

is mainly foraging during the day. Inhab all in the evening of the island of Lake, there is also a rotten mud beach in the near-shore, and there is also a floating sleep on the water from the offshore. The foraging mode is mainly diving, sometimes in the swamp or the water side shallow water, or put the head into the water, and foraging in the water tail. The food is mainly animal food such as shrimp, crab, clam, aquatic insect, small fish, and 蚪, sometimes eat less aquatic plants.

Call: Winter is often as small as. When fucking, the low KUR-R-R, KUR-R-R is called.

Distribution range

Distributed in Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bird, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, France, France, Germany, Greece, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran , Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Micronesia Federation, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, North Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Sudan, Spain (Canary Islands), Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Arab Syria, China, Taiwan Province, Tajikistan, Tanzania United Republic , Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Western Sahara, Yemen.

Braz: Bermuda Wenlai, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivo, Gambia, Gibralar, Greenland, Malawi, Malta, Marshall Islands, Niger, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, Swarba Islands and Yangmaye Island.

Breeding in Iceland, British Islands, Nordic, Central Europe, Balkan Peninsula, Kyrgyz Plain, Baikal, Siberia, has been going to Sakhalin Island. Winter is in the southern part of Eurasia, northern Africa, northern Japan and the Philippines. Breeding in China, Northeast Heilongjiang Province, Jilin Province and Inner Mongolia Nature Area. Winter in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yangtze River Basin, Southeast Coastal Area and Taiwan. After the migration, after Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Liaoning and other provinces.

Reproductive method

The phoenix daughter is mating at the end of the winter or early spring, there is no established rules. Some birds become a pair before the migration, and some will arrive in breeding fields to seek spouses. In all cases, it is carried out in the group of noisy tufted swings, mostly in the first winter, but most of the female birds participate in reproduction in the second age, and the combination of the top is usually in the end of winter. At the beginning, it continued until the second spring on the migration road, and some populations were formed after reaching the reproduction. Ying nest is in the lake or in the lake, the grass or bush is generally not far from the water. The nest is hidden very well. Usually use natural pits or digging a pit, then the pad is formed, and the inner mat has a large amount of velvet. Reproductive period of May to July. Each eggs are produced 6-13 eggs, generally 8-10 pieces, the color of the egg is green or dirty, the size is 53-66 × 38-77 mm, with average of 59 × 71 mm, 52-61 grams, Average 56 grams. Fisherman's hatchery. The incubation period 23-25 ​​days. Foresight of elderly birds. After hatching, you can follow the birds and forage. After more than 40-50 days, you can fly later.

Protection Status

Protection Level

Included in the "World Nature Protection Alliance" (IUCN) 2013 endangered species red directory VER 3.1 - low risk (LC).

Included in China's National Forestry Administration 200, "National Protection", "National Protection, Guidelines for the Protection of National Protection or Economic, Scientific Research Value".

population status

This species is widely distributed, and the fragile and endangered critical standards of species survival (distributed area or fluctuation range is less than 20,000 square kilometers, habitat quality, population scale, Distributed area fragmentation), the number of populations is stable, so the species that are evaluated as there is no survival crisis.

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