Otger Victory

work Kai绍

of Ultraman Victory new battle story !!

"The Movie Ultraman Galaxy S 决戦! As a later date Consultation of the Ultra 10 warrior! ", It is spelled in Ban组" New Ultraman Retsuden ", 1 连続 original story of 话约" 3 - minute "!

full Shin规 shooting non-stop special effects action by Koichi Sakamoto Director!

Ultraman Victory Power Up Fight! That's "Ultra Fight Victory"!

registered 场人 products

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Shuo night

underground world girl, after Noriyuki standing sum 维克 Tokuro based on 耶尔 specific 战斗, join Ryo UPG, capacity Operation and not Wonders capacity.

Xiang Otger Victory

one person underground people,维克 Tokuriokutoku 曼的 people 间体, Azukareido Koichi Okoshi从 invaders specific clutches in protecting 护 global, came own underground world 战士. Ten mighty manner 决战 later he 进入 especially 搜队 UPG 继续 coercive 护地 on peace, standing times arrival underground world after suddenly 受到 ultra 兽的 袭击. Cause 为维 Katsutokuri crystal 拥有 Kiyoshi 澈的 heart, 隐藏 competence 开始 觉醒 ......

thunder ratio

underground world boy, Shuo night basis Ototoototo, 很喜 欢在 earthly life sum body 验.

Reido light

Galactic Okutoku 曼的 people 间体, UPG specific 队员, 发现 Ryo cosmic 异变 而前 forward, 却中 Ryo 敌人 specific 圈套, formed 为了 people quality.

Appears hero

维克 Tokuriokutoku曼

从地 bottom world come basis Okutoku 战士, 拥有 use Kai 兽的 ability 变为 weapon specific special abilities, mosquitoes 以和 galaxy back Features 曼合 body formed 为银 river 维克 Tokuriokutoku曼.

维克 Tokuriokutoku 曼骑 mechanic Morphology

Nozomi 卡利 Okutoku 曼授 予骑 Shifue 剑后, 维克 Tokurimasu 级之 after specific Sugata态, 隐藏 competence 觉醒 Thus release, Mitsuyuki nationwide Science and Technology sum 维克 Tokuri source Akirateki ability amount fusion, 拥有 SaiKiyoshi 澈的 灵魂.此姿 态是 Shodori 过笛 剑将 [KiyoshiKiyoyuki heart] sum [强大 Noriyuki force] after 觉醒 manner Noriyuki 两方 surface 达到 极限.

rare 卡利 Okutoku曼

given GUYS before Captain Seri泽 Kazuya Go为 together, 曾经 given 梦比 优斯 以及 people 类的 competence force 拯救 global light Noriyuki country 优秀 science who 还是 English Isamu universe 警备 队员 basis 蓝色 Okutoku Charmaine. Osamuita Okutoku Koreo specific instruction, 为了 拯救 cosmic crisis, 尽全 force research 开发 Ryo Knight Fue剑.给翔 with a bunch Knight whistle 剑托.

Okutokunoo < / p>

Juzaio Noriyuki star specific manner 传说 medium-specific Okutoku hero, police 觉到 Ryo cosmic crisis - space Emperor Chu 达的 Resurrection, 于是 让 universe 警备 队的 队员 before blocked.

moxa 斯奥 Toku曼

拥有 multi-种光 线技, Setsuwari skills specific Okutoku 战士, 几次 powder 碎了 亚波 human ambition.

KaminariOoku Toku曼

擅长 universe Kenpo specific Okutoku 战士, 赛文 basis disciple, 赛罗 basis 师傅.

Ali 斯特 拉 < / p>

KaminariO specific Ototoototo, 擅长 rated Doo.

Galactic 维克 Tokuriokutoku曼 < / b>

Reido Kowa Sho use the back, especially fusion hand 镯合 force 变身, 拥有 ultra 级力 quantitative research 极奥 especially 战士, 拥有 历代 fiscal heroic ability. The striking obtained demolition, however dismantled after manner Galaxy sum 维克 Tokuri manner colored 计时 unit 却没 Yusuke 红灯.

Galactic Okutoku曼 < / p>

Reido light use Galactic spark 变身 而成 basis Okutoku曼. After Noriyuki standing given 黑暗 road Motomogusa 尔的 citrate, he is the middle Noriyuki times ItaRyo universe. However standing all new specific crisis HasamaKon mini-light presence, cause small light TokoroTakashi 寻的 开创 future Noriyuki force, galactic 从那 执念 basis 引导 Noriyuki Shimoide Present.继, galaxy again why small light Okutoku 实体 of 伫立 于敌's presence! He 曾经 以联 GoRyooku Tokuroku brothers competence basis Galactic 斯特 interest 姆形 态 successful 坚守 JuRyo Setsununo 尔星 human aggression.以闪 耀的 such as 离子 ability amount 创出 odd 迹之 force. Pale 蓝色 specific crystal communication 过所 tool 备的 Special Move Allowed 以切 换成 unequal manner 颜色, mosquitoes 以和 维克 Tokuriokutoku 曼合 body formed 为银 river 维克 Tokuriokutoku曼.

registered 场敌 Auditors

huge 亚波 people

凭借 黑暗 grudge competence complete Ryo strengthen Resurrection, 异次 original human mind 识集 united, virtual main Resurrection universe emperor Chu达.

large 蚁超 兽 Omonesatoyomogito

蚁和 universe Kai兽 synthetic super 兽.

维克 Tokuri 杀手

拥有 维克 Tokuri use Kai 兽的 ability 变为 weapon specific special abilities, 实力 ratio before specific moxa 斯杀 hand, 梦比 优斯 杀手 还要 Strong.

导弹 ultra 兽 贝劳 Katsuon

coral sum Astrobiology financial synthetic ultra 兽, systemic Metropolitan Shi weapon.

moth super 兽 multi-拉格 village

Gaazuka Astrobiology synthetic ultra 兽, huge basis hand 拥有 强大 competence.

German angle ultra-兽 TomoeKatsunishi姆

Caterpillar sum universe Kai兽 synthetic super 兽.

满月 ultra 兽 鲁纳 蒂克 斯 < / b>

Usagiko sum universe Kai兽 synthetic birth super 兽.

underground 圣兽 谢帕 顿 (SD)

underground world 维克 Tokuri crystal specifically protect 护圣 兽, yo 靠骑 Shifue 剑的 competence Resurrection emergence, the coercive 护银 river Okutoku 曼击 败了 满月 ultra 兽鲁 纳蒂 Katsu斯.

illusion universe emperor 亡灵 Chu达

per-fifty thousand years 就从 universe 扭曲 in Resurrection universe emperor, why 维克 Tokuri core sum 亚波 human grudge 实现 strengthen Resurrection, 实力 很强.

ultra-Kai 兽 亡灵 ultra 级古 兰特 King < / b>

受到 亡灵 Chu 达的 summoned 而出 Present, systemic Metropolitan Shi weapon, 压倒 sexual competence bunch Okutoku 战士 MatoOsamu 击悉 number 弹开, main blocking 它, 就要 destination hitting 败操 refrain person 亡灵 Chu us.

each story broadcast

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broadcast hours


3 May 31, 2015


4 May 7, 2015


< p> 4 May 14, 2015


4 May 21, 2015


4 May 28, 2015


5 May 5, 2015

5 May 12, 2015


5 May 19, 2015


5 May 26, 2015


6 May 2015 2 days


6 May 9, 2015


6 May 16, 2015

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