Needle leaf mixed forest

Synonym-wide mixed forest general pointer broad-leaved mixed forest

Distribution range

Needle mixed forest is a transition type between deciduous broad-leaved forest and coniferous forest, in Europe There are differences in climatic conditions in North America and the Far East and the climatic conditions in different regions. The distribution area is mainly distributed in the five large lakes and Abarachia mountains in North America, mainly distributed in the Northeast Mountain. Due to the influence of the summer wind, the types of community make up more mixed forests in Europe, and the structure of community is also more complicated.

Needle leaf mixed forest

forming factor


In the Far East, the climate in its distribution area has a significant temperate monsoon climate, and the average temperature in July is more than 20 ° C, In January, the ancestors were below -10 ° C, and the winter was more than 5 months, and the annual precipitation was between 450-600mm. In Europe, temperature changes are relatively relatively relatively relatively, in January -5 ° C ~ -14 ° C, in July 10 ° C ~ 22 ° C.


The soil of the adult mixed forest distribution area is dark brown.

population composition

The transition type of coniferous forest and summer green broad leaflin forest. It is usually composed of a wide-leaf species such as Quercus, Maple (Acer), Picea, fir (ABIES), Pinus, and Pinus. A non-continuous hybrid forest belt is formed in the middle and high latitude of the European continent.

Adverse hybrid forest is a transitional vegetation type, subject to different influences of deciduous broad-leaved forests and coniferous forests in different regions, and the type of adult mixed forest has obvious in different regions. Difference:

In Europe, the coniferous tree has German spruce ( Pica Excelsa ), Siberian fir ( Abies Sibirica ), white fir ( A Alba ), European larch ( Larix Decidua ); broad-leaved trees have Ou ( quercus robur ), European beech ( Fagus Sylvatica ) Wait; in Asia, the coniferous trees have the main red pine ( Pinus Koraiensis ) and sand cirut ( Abies holophylla ), etc., broad-leaved trees mainly have purple ( Tilia amurensis < / i>), bi ( Tilia ManShurica ), Water Quilli ( Fraxinus Manshurica ), 榆 ( Ulmus LaciniaTa ), etc .; In North America, the coniferous trees are mainly intertwined ( Pinus Rigida ), Virginia ( Juniperus Virginiana ), Virginia ( Pinus Virginiana ), Canada The broad-leaved tree is mainly some of the types of ivolis ( Tsuga Canadensis ).

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