John Henry Newman

Newman was awarded the Holy Community of the British Church in 1824. After 4 years, he became the pastor of the Oxford University Church, served as 1843. He published a 10-volume set of 10 rolls during this period. After the British Holy Bank of the British Holy Bank, he actively wrote the articles and cooperation. And other priests related to Oxford, published the "Age Book". These books tried to explore the independence of the British Church. These authors believe that since the 1832 Reform Act adopted, this independent was deprived of the inappropriate intervention of the government. "They initiative to restore the early tradition of the Salas, strict discipline, obey, and maintain the surveillance of the Sorrow, the church etiquette. It is actually to strengthen the Catholic factors, and strive to rectify the Holy Congress in the past 5th century. At the same time, the Salade will adhere to the ancient godfather unified The teachings passing by the church, so it is a real public church. It is different from the Catholic Church, which is also different from the so-called "mass anti-Roong". Some people criticize that this intermediate attitude is to delegate the meaning of religious reform, causing Oxford Internal dividing. Newman is increasingly attracted to the Roman Catholic Church. He officially joined the Catholic Church in 1845. After promoting the bishop of the priest and red dress. Published "Defense for his life" People praise. The work has "the development of Christian doctrines", "talking with believers" and so on. John Henry Newman

February 16, 2019 Realfhman booklet seal is the saints

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John Henry Newman is a famous English famous educator in the 19th century. (3)

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