Ice cream


ice cream plain. As the name is pointed out, it is a flatly ground, and the continental ice cover on which has passed. The glacier passes the surface area of ​​the non-glacier land, and the movement of the glacier changes the lower mat. Direct impact and abrasion of ice have a serious impact on Low Hills, making them flattening and disappearing; here is also staining in the depression and ice green valley. In addition to this direct movement, the crushed stone moved in front of the glacier and its own melts produced, so that the terrain exists in front of it. After the ice, after the ice, these unsolded deposits have created a ice plain in these areas. Make those original terrain completely disappear and covered.

Ice cream

Terrain features

Generally, the ice cream is considered to have a shame. From the ground, especially from the air, they look like Pingchuan. However, on the photo or on the ground, it is found that this type of terrain can be accurately described, but more exactly, the * slightly upstulum °. The local difference between the velocity is in a few feet and more than 20 times, span hundreds of feet or longer distance. For accidental observers, the farmland in the Midwest is flat. In some remote areas of Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, there is still more old-aged ice plains, these refrigerator plains are in ice. In the early days, in its subsequent time, due to their deposition, the surface water is formed, and the likelihood of local differential differences are generated. In general, these are Illinois ice plains. Because it is identified in Illinois period, it is called ° Illinois ° ice lingering plains. In most areas, these ice of ice remains a large top shape to a large extent. There is a wide and flat areas where these ice cream plains are visible, but they are cut by the vulplates and streams, so the original surface is damaged by these creek development.

Water system characteristics

In large open young ice-rainders, the surface water system has not been perfectly formed. The slightly fluidized terrain structure control surface drains, at the current stage, a large amount of rain water penetrates into the ground, increase the groundwater to the lower surface of the well-rich zone. The surface is very small, and there is a wide area of ​​the area, except for the wider area of ​​the interval, the development of the valley is related to the distribution of water.

develops a significant drainage in the next year, because the ice is regional commonality, so the drainage type is developed into a tree or dendritic water system. Due to the density and compact characteristics of the ice, internal drainage is limited. There is a rock under the surface of the shallow water, and the deep depth is very shallower is controlled by the physical characteristics of the following rock. Angular water is often present compared to the non-controlled water type discovered on the deep ice-plasma plain.

Tone Features

The central and western green ice plains show a clear color pattern, which consists of more than half of the color and light gray. It looks presented, there is a black spot pattern in the low ground that gradually emerges. These low areas are chain, which clearly shows that they will become a surface water system of the fine soil in the future. The light tonal regions are relatively unique and occupied by the area between the dark soils with a slightly good drainage. Among the elderly ice hustle plains, the main feature is that there is a light-colored soil on the cutting highlands, and the color soil is visually exploded in the elixir area. The tag characteristics in these ice plains are the surrounding ribbed stripes. This stripe is not in the ice of Nebras and Kansas.

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