Humanized management


Humanized management is a management philosophy that applies the theory of human nature to management and manages in accordance with the basic attributes of human nature. Therefore, we must have an understanding of human nature.

As the old saying goes: He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world! A more human touch in business management helps to win employees' recognition and loyalty to the company. Only companies that truly capture the hearts and minds of employees can be invincible in the competition.


Human nature management is essentially a new strategy for managing people’s thoughts "stability and change" at the same time. The establishment of the humanity management concept is based on the transformation of thinking from linear to non-linear. The characteristic of linear thinking is diachronic, while the characteristic of nonlinear thinking is synchronicity, that is, synchronous transformation. In the seemingly chaotic and chaotic phenomenon, we can see the natural order of the development and evolution of things, understand the direction of the next step, identify potential unknown needs and unexplored markets, and then foresee changes and cope with changes freely. It is the task of modern enterprise humanity management. Humanity management is marked by "humanization", emphasizing jumping and change, speed and response, sensitivity and flexibility. It focuses on equality and respect, creativity and intuition, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit, foresight and value control. It is based on information sharing and virtual integration. , Competitive cooperation, complementary differences, virtual practice associations, etc., to realize the transformation of knowledge from moral to obvious and create competitive advantages. Humanity management is based on the existing advanced production technology and standardized management, through systematic thinking, change the mental model, improve learning ability, realize self-transcendence, and actively adapt to changes in the external environment to achieve changes in the state of operation and management. Provide high-quality, affordable products and services. Enterprises must adhere to the "multi-limit" operating principle, break the original division of labor, make full use of all aspects of information, adopt human production technology and dynamic organizational structure, and give full play to the innovation enthusiasm of all employees.

Basic point

Paying attention to the development of human potential is the basic point of the humanized management concept.

Paying attention to the development of human potential is a fundamental way to improve the quality of employees. The manager of an enterprise is like an architect. He is good at applying different and imperfect people like stones to form a sturdy house, taking their own advantages and disadvantages. Complementing each other, complementing each other, and combining thousands of landscape patterns, the manager's talent is a precious cohesive agent here. Furthermore, the manager of a company is like the coach of a team. He must have: a reasonable concept, know himself and his opponent, and even know the development of the entire battle; rationally deploy and use the resources of the organization, so that each member has the opportunity to perform in a suitable position; be good at giving corresponding guidance and help to each member . The quality of employees is very important to companies. Therefore, many companies nowadays have changed the personnel department to the "personnel training department". The main work of the Ministry.

Some companies believe that improving the abilities of their employees is the best way to treat their employees. They set the goal to enable each employee to have a higher level of ability and strength after working in the company for three or five years. Steps. What employees feel here is the pressure that they will fall behind if they don't work hard, rather than the fear that the company will be crumbling and about to go bankrupt. The growth of employees is the best driving force for the growth of an enterprise. The enterprise applies talents to employees with certain talents, allowing employees to find their sense of belonging and accomplishment in the enterprise, which also enhances the stability of the enterprise, thereby reducing the cost of human resources of the enterprise, and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of human resources. . Building a camp on a solid foundation is better than building on quicksand. Other companies’ actions for recruiters are to require “master’s degree or above”, but regardless of whether the position provided by the company requires such a high degree of education, it will waste talents, and on the other hand, it will be difficult to retain talents because of “big talents and small talents”. As a result, the Ministry of Personnel was on the verge of publishing job advertisements, and the personnel still came and went. Therefore, to truly implement humanized management, great efforts must be made to strengthen human resource development and consolidate the enterprise's human resource foundation.


"Employees are also God" is the essential embodiment of the humanized management concept.

Modern Western business management experts have put forward a rather innovative point of view, that companies have two "gods": one is the customer, the other is the employee. The Rosenbruck Travel Company of the United States is even more innovative and unique. It boldly put forward the slogan of "employees first, customers second" and determined it as the purpose of the company. It ranks among the world's three largest travel companies. Westerners have realized the importance of employees, and realized that the stability of the workforce, the size of the creativity, the level of quality, and the strength of cohesion have a profound impact on the efficiency and development of the company. For enterprises, the stability of the workforce can be said to be a cornerstone of stable efficiency. Frequent in and out, in fact, it is the company that pays the greatest opportunity cost. In other words, employees may find a company suitable for their development. If the company does not inherently contain the concept of valuing employees, it will always be Will not have employees who really belong to them. Employees need motivation. On the one hand, this kind of motivation is of course spiritual, but material motivation can often play a more direct role in real work. Companies sometimes overestimate the employees' ideological level, believing that the employees' requirements for benefits are excessive. This is undoubtedly a way of looking at new issues with "old glasses".

Only when the positions of the company and employees are put in place, humanized management can be said. The most basic requirement of humanized management is to treat people as people. First treat employees as human beings, and then treat employees as gods. If managers lack the awareness of equality in front of ordinary employees, do not give employees care and understanding, and allow employees to participate in the management of the company, but dismiss the employees, this kind of enterprise will lack cohesion and lack the basis for forming a joint force. Of course, the equality of managers and ordinary employees does not require the two to be the same. The important thing is to have a sense of equality, to respect and take employees seriously.

The best reward for employees is to reuse employees. A discerning leader often does not wait until employees have various abilities before using him, but as long as he has the basic qualities, he is given position, responsibility, and pressure, so that he can hone in management practice and show all kinds of things in the process. Potential, improve management skills. Before the talented people do anything earth-shattering, they are almost the same as ordinary people, but as long as there is a suitable opportunity, they will be a blockbuster. Therefore, how leaders discover and use talents not only affect personal growth, but also affect the development of the organization. It cannot be denied that the negative impact of misusing an employee is huge. For a company, if employees cannot feel the standardization and rationality of the management mechanism, and cannot see their own development prospects, then the company will have no development prospects. If this kind of enterprise is not comprehensively reformed or completely renovated, it will fall into a deep crisis and find it difficult to extricate itself.

It cannot be ignored that although employees can contribute silently, companies cannot just treat employees as "cows." Only when the company regards its employees as God, the employees will regard the company as their home.


Emotional management

Emotional management is to pay attention to the inner world of people, according to the characteristics of plasticity, tendency and stability of emotions. The core of management is to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees and eliminate their negative emotions.

Democratic management

Democratic management is to involve employees in decision-making. When entrepreneurs make decisions involving subordinates, if they don’t let anyone other than the manager participate, it will damage their self-esteem and cause their fierce opposition. If you can let others participate in the decision-making, you will listen to their opinions. Not only will you not dampen their self-esteem, but you will also increase their morale. The more people who are consulted, the morale of people will be higher. Democratic management requires entrepreneurs to brainstorm. To start a business, you must concentrate the wisdom of the majority of people and operate with all employees, otherwise it will not achieve real success. To truly democratize management, it is also necessary to establish an association mechanism between the enterprise and its employees. For example, letting employees hold certain shares is one of the better methods.


Self-management can be said to be the further development of democratic management, to the effect that employees independently formulate plans, implement controls, and achieve goals based on the development strategy and goals of the enterprise, that is "Manage yourself." It can combine the individual will and the unified will of the enterprise, so that everyone feels comfortable to contribute to the enterprise.

Cultural management

Cultural management is the highest level of humanized management. Through the cultivation of corporate culture and the promotion of management cultural models, it enables employees to form common values ​​and common norms of behavior. Cultural management gives full play to the cultural coverage of human psychology, physiology, human status and history, and fully displays the human-centered management thought. Culture is formed by a set of ideals, values ​​and codes of conduct shared by a certain collective, so that individual behavior can be the integration of common standards, norms, and patterns accepted by the collective.

Human Nature

The Three Laws of Natural Attributes

Happiness is not pain."

The natural attribute of the human psychological level is "Humans always demand respect rather than depreciation."

The natural attribute of human spiritual level is "human I always hope to have a long-term goal instead of wasting my life."

Three laws of social attributes

Consideration of the consequences of behavior.

Consideration of one's long-term goals.

Consideration of the value of life.

Only when companies understand these natural and social attributes in human nature, can they effectively guide and manage the intricate interpersonal relationships and the behavior and motivation of employees, and can propose higher levels according to different development stages of the company. A management goal that can better realize the potential of all employees.

The social attributes of human beings are governed by the soul, and the soul is a kind of ideology and the source of the generation of human social attributes, which can be passed on from generation to generation and be continuously enriched.

Ideology plays a decisive role in modern management. The advanced nature of consciousness is the source of power for social progress and the vigorous development of enterprises. Therefore, focusing on education, training, and culture has become the only way for modern management to succeed. Entrepreneurs must firmly grasp the role of corporate culture on corporate growth, and shape their corporate culture according to different corporate characteristics.

Management stage

Humanized management is actually the management of the cultivation and development of corporate culture.

Humanized management is a process of dynamic development, as well as a process of orderly organization and transformation of the manifestations of human nature and social attributes. Humanized management is roughly divided into four development stages: interpersonal power management phase, interpersonal communication phase, cooperative management phase, and dedication management phase. This stage of development is actually a process of integrating corporate culture with employees’ personal awareness or cultural awareness.

Interpersonal power management stage: Since employees come from all directions and their cultural awareness is different, confusion and conflict may occur. Therefore, a unified code of conduct should be established at this stage, and Establish a strict hierarchy to encourage employees to obey corporate management.

Interpersonal communication stage: In fact, it has entered the stage of awareness cultivation and adjustment of humanized management, which is the beginning of shaping corporate culture for corporate development and growth. At this stage, we should focus on communication between superiors and superiors, and begin to gradually establish common values.

Cooperative management stage: is an important stage for cultivating corporate culture. If corporate leaders do not pay attention to research and analysis of their own corporate characteristics, there will be no cultural innovation or their own culture. , And this stage will be a long development process.

Dedication management stage: is the whole culture management stage, that is, the company has its own unique corporate culture, and all employees are integrated into the corporate culture. At this time, the employees All of his thoughts and actions are consciously under the control of corporate culture, and can quickly combine actions and take countermeasures against the unpredictable market.

Key points

1. Recognize the natural attributes of human nature and meet the basic needs of the natural attributes of human nature.

2. Acknowledge that the social attributes of human nature are governed by ideology.

(1) Different industries should cultivate cultural awareness of different styles to organize people’s social attributes.

(2) The first task of ideology is to serve its physical and psychological satisfaction. Therefore, enterprise organizations must have reasonable, clear, and scientific distribution systems and regulations.

(3) The ideology must serve the long-term goals or other goals after completing the first task. Therefore, companies must have measures to satisfy this desire, and shape their own industry awareness and corporate culture, so that people from all directions and different in social attributes are gradually unified under the corporate industry awareness and corporate culture. Once this cultural awareness reaches a consensus, the efficiency of the group's work will have unexpected effects.

There are tens of thousands of human occupations, and the functions of social organizations are also very different. Even for profit-making corporate organizations, there are great differences in occupations. Therefore, the social attributes of the "people" they need are selective. Entrepreneurs should pay full attention to this when organizing and leading enterprises, otherwise it will lead to management failure due to the large difference between social attributes and occupations.

3. Acknowledge the dual nature of competition and cooperation in human natural attributes and spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, there must be a mechanism that conforms to this dual nature in corporate management. In order to bring the natural attributes of cooperation and competition into full play in an orderly and efficient manner, it must be connected, controlled and guided through a socialized organizational structure and a socialized consciousness and culture, so that the nature of competition and cooperation in human nature is in the enterprise. Under the leadership of the home organization, it has been fully utilized.

"Humanized management" is often referred to as "management of human relationships", but in the implementation of specific work, "humanized" is often understood as "humanized", but it is not. , They are two different concepts.

"Humanized management" is a new management concept evolved from modern behavioral science, and the study of this concept has also become human management. With the advent of the knowledge age, human beings are becoming more and more important as the main body of knowledge and wisdom. The rational development of human potential has become an important subject of modern management. Humanized management-a management method that focuses on people's life and work habits to make management closer to human nature, so as to achieve a reasonable and effective work potential and high work efficiency.

So what is the difference between "humanized management" and "humane management"?

As people in the service industry, we may have a common feeling: people have many subtle relationships, and you will feel comfortable doing things if you handle these relationships correctly. When you make a mistake at work, your colleagues, bosses, and friends did not point out your mistakes or tell you its harm, but instead patted your shoulders and said that it was okay and concealed the facts for you. ". "Speaking of favors" is not allowed in management work, and it may even make your job worse. However, humanized management is different. Although "humanized management" allows you to make mistakes at work, it will tell you that it is wrong to do so, what kind of harm it will bring, and how you should do it better. This will forgive you and let you not always worry about any mistakes in your work. Beware of your boss blaming you and how your colleagues think of you. On the contrary, your work passion will be higher and your work goals will be clearer. At the same time, "humanized management" also requires the establishment of a reasonable "humanized management" implementation and evaluation system.

Speaking of the implementation of "humanized management", many companies have their own magical powers; listed companies promote the employee shareholding system in order to improve employee ownership; large group companies do not hesitate to provide Huge amounts of funds are used as employee innovation awards; Ericsson is ingenious and requires employees to do more self-criticism within the company and implement a self-evaluation system, so that employees can truly feel the humanization of management from their work.


The ultimate goal of humanized management is to pursue comprehensive and harmonious development.

Employees all look forward to the humanization of the manager’s decision-making behavior. Flexible management shows that the attention to the interests of employees is superficial, partial and temporary; the humanized management shows that the attention to the interests of employees is substantial, comprehensive and continuous. Employees always want managers to treat them as individuals, recognize and respect their personal value and dignity, so that each of them feels that they are not dispensable in the enterprise or in the minds of the leaders; It is hoped that managers can pay attention to their personal material and spiritual needs, and their personal situation and difficulties. Support their personal development and the realization of their goals. In this way, each individual can experience the strong human touch of the manager, and each individual's ability and even potential can be fully utilized, and the enterprise will be full of vitality. In fact, there must be a win-win situation between organizations and employees, and a win-win situation between organizations and society. It is impossible to win long-term cooperation and achieve sustainable development without a single win. In other words, the win-win concept emphasizes not that the interests of the enterprise should be realized by reducing the interests of employees, or the interests of the enterprise should be realized by damaging the interests of society. The realization of any company's own interests must be based on the simultaneous realization of the interests of employees, that is, on the basis of the simultaneous growth of the interests of employees, can its own profits be effectively improved. The interests of different organizations and the interests of employees of different organizations add up to form social interests. When the managers of an organization integrate the concepts of social responsibility and social benefits into the realm of employee management, the goals of the organization and employees will tend to be consistent. The economic goal of an organization is no longer the only reason for its existence. The organization will not only safeguard the interests of employees stipulated in the contract, but also actively and long-term create benefits for employees, so that all members of the organization can realize their potential and create social benefits in a more harmonious and effective manner. At this time, the organization's decision-making process and management behavior of employees will also be humane.

Humanized management is to manage human resources based on human characteristics. The characteristics of human nature are multifaceted, and humans are different from machines. People have the ability to distinguish and accept thoughts, and they have different levels of needs, such as the physiological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, social respect needs and self-realization needs raised by Maslow. Humans have strong potential to create and destroy energy and effects. People can adapt to the environment or change the environment. Because of this, many managers agree that the employees of an organization and their knowledge and skills are the most important resource of the organization, a component of the organization, and the fundamental force for the organization to assume social responsibility and create social benefits. As Bill Gates of Microsoft said, "Our main asset is our software and our software development skills, which are completely incapable of being reflected on the balance sheet." Managers give full consideration to the organization and organization in management decisions. The common development of members, in the process of achieving organizational goals, fully meet the employees' material and spiritual needs and overall development, so as to maximize the potential enthusiasm and creativity of employees, and maximize the use of human resources to meet the needs of the organization. And the needs of social development.


Satisfying customer demand-oriented

The concept of traditional mass production enterprises is: supply creates demand. As long as it can be produced, there will be customers buying, and the enterprise will have a profit, which is determined by the market and production capacity. In the era of the new economy, it is not only necessary to provide customers with goods, but also to enrich the value of customers, so that customers can get more value-added experience when consuming an item. Humanity management is to put the needs and preferences of customers in the first place. Profit is contained in the needs of customers for goods and satisfying customer preferences. As long as the needs and preferences of customers can be transformed into goods or services, profit is a natural form of this transformation. Result. Therefore, the key to humanity management is to determine how to create solutions to enhance customer value, how to solve customer concerns, and how to realize customer perceptions but not fully expressing their desires clearly.

Direct customization is proposed when the simple mass production model cannot meet the diverse and individual needs of consumers. It treats each customer as a separate market segment. , According to the specific needs of individuals to carry out a marketing combination to meet the specific needs of each customer is a marketing method. Its most prominent feature is to produce products according to the special requirements of customers.

Take learning incentives as the goal

American economist Douglas Mcgngor wrote in his important book "The Human Face of Enterprises"


pointed out that every manager has his own set of management philosophy, and his management philosophy depends on his view of human behavior. McGregor classifies these traditional management philosophies into theory X (ThooryX) and theory Y (ThoolyY). Theory X believes that most people are lazy, lack ambition, hate responsibility, and prefer to be directed by others. Therefore, the actions of employees depend on Guidance and management relies on persuasion, reward, punishment and control. Theory Y believes that the human development potential, the ability to shoulder responsibility, the ability to move toward organizational goals, and the ability to guide their behavior are inherent in their nature, the responsibility of management, It is to make employees aware of its inherent characteristics, so as to develop these characteristics on their own. Humanity management is a scientific management based on Y theory. The most basic function of scientific management is decision-making, and the most basic function of management in the network age is to seek the path and node of knowledge transformation. The uncertain market changes in the Internet age have embodied the core role of management as: promoting learning, stimulating inspiration and insight into the future. Encourage, integrate and coordinate the efforts and contributions of front-line personnel, take into account the overall situation with a higher vision, and integrate the innovative ideas of front-line personnel into a unified strategic framework for corporate development, so as to enable the development of the company. The evolution process becomes an organism composed of developed components in an optimized way.

Organizing a virtual community

Identifying and discovering the potential needs and preferences of the market, and grasping the dynamic process of needs and preferences, not only requires a lot of information, but also requires keen insight and wisdom And inspiration. In the network age where the market's demand structure is changing rapidly, only by exerting all aspects of innovation can we create an intelligent enterprise and continuously gain new competitive advantages. Therefore, establish a variety of virtual practice associations, strive to provide innovative suggestions and solutions for the development of the company, enhance the company's timely learning ability, and make the company a true learning company, which is an invincible position for the company Guarantee. The virtual practice society is a "strong-strong" cooperation. Its essential feature is customer-centric, opportunity-based, and a set of clear goals based on agreements.

Network organization form

Quality is the key to the success or failure of a company in the 1980s, and team sales that truly treat customers as partners are the key to success or failure in today's era. However, the organization in the era of scientific management is a hierarchical organization with a pyramid structure. It has too many levels, single and long channels for transmitting information, and slow response; the functional departments are isolated from each other, and the flow of information is restricted by boundaries. Information transfer between the two is often distorted and distorted. According to the old organizational structure, people with a fixed position in an organization can only perform fixed functions in that position, regardless of whether such functions are beneficial to satisfying customer needs. The hierarchical management system obviously cannot be adapted to meet the needs of customer-centric corporate strategies. However, each part of the network organization is relatively independent, and the relationship between the various parts is a kind of integration and symbiosis, and there is no separate boundary. Replacing the pyramidal organizational structure with a network-style flat organizational structure improves the efficiency of information transmission and work efficiency, and strengthens the mutual communication between departments. In the new organizational structure, when a market opportunity appears, in a certain People with a fixed position in the organization will enter the project team with their expertise, and play a new role as a team member in it, forming a virtual team with their local team members to work together until the team task is completed.

Using enterprise reengineering as a means

Enterprise reengineering focuses on the adjustment of business models, which provides opportunities for enterprises to realize humanity management. Because enterprise reengineering is to determine at a higher level how an enterprise responds to the market, how to identify potential markets and create new markets, and to reposition the enterprise's role in the market in this identification and creation. Enterprise reengineering attaches great importance to cultivating people's learning ability, with the goal of turning the company into a learning organization and enhancing the company's ability to adapt to the ever-changing environment from individual employees to the entire organization. Enterprise "humanity management" is a new management thinking and management method proposed for the knowledge economy and global operation. It is different from the traditional Taylor management emphasizing the same step. It is through emphasizing management softening, and the humanization of management more inspires people. Subjective agency functions to meet the needs of "rigid competition" in the knowledge economy. Practice has proved that "humanity management" using softness to overcome rigidity is a good strategy for strengthening "rigid competition" in the corporate market, and it is worth advocating.

Humanized management knowledge in the sense of traditional culture

Humanized knowledge training in corporate management

It is emphasized in modern management Humanized management. There are very few that specifically explain what "human nature" is. If you don't understand anything about human nature, then how to do humanized management is imperfect. I'm here to talk about "humanity" in the sense of our traditional culture. For the elites in the management circle to comprehend it together!

Before explaining "human nature", let me explain a few points. First, if you just talk about a few concepts, it is still difficult to understand, so I will take a realistic example to say it. Second, since It is "humanity", then, humanity exists in people all the time, there will be no humanity here, and there will be no humanity in another place. Therefore, the following example is to illustrate the laws of human nature from the perspective of physical health. How to express human nature in other places, you must be able to use it yourself. Just like a teacher teaching students in class, eating an apple and another apple, then a total of two apples are eaten. When I went home, I ate a bowl of rice and another bowl of rice. You should know that I also ate two bowls of rice. If you say that you have eaten three or four bowls of rice, that is wrong.

Let’s talk about human nature~! According to Guan Zi's "Inner Karma", the basic law of human growth is: Keeping good --- Proper form - Taking morality --- Respect and don't lose --- All things are fruitful (meaning success) According to the current state of society, there may not be one in ten thousand people who can understand it. So when explaining these concepts, we still use examples to explain. The following uses this law to explain in terms of health preservation and body maintenance.

People are very busy at work, it is difficult to have a special opportunity to exercise, or they are too lazy to exercise. Is there a way to exercise and work at the same time? Work out while working out, nourish your heart, grow your wisdom, and exercise your body in the process of daily activities, and your work is done well and your body is perfect. It can be said; yes.

In order to explain this matter, let me quote a proverb to explain it over time. There is a saying: "Eating 80% of the meal will make you have a good appetite." Knowing the effect of this sentence, if you deliberately do it during your three meals a day, maybe you really have a good appetite in this life. So can you find a sentence, as long as it is done, all parts of the body will be well, and all parts of the body will be well coordinated and healthy! And it can be done in daily activities. Yes! This sentence is:

Respect and Defeat

Let’s introduce how to do this sentence;

This sentence is taken from Guan Zi’s " "Internal Karma" means to exercise one's inner kungfu. The value of internal karma can be compared with the later Tao Te Ching and Buddhism. For specific information, please refer to the detailed explanation of Jingshou Note.

According to the point of view of the internal industry, the structure of human beings is layer by layer.

Each layer is like a strong city defense, which cannot be broken by any material or spiritual thing. If you break through, you will have to deal with it, and you will get sick if you don't deal with it. How to maintain the defense of the city and how to deal with the problem is to guard negligence. It means that when you encounter a problem, you must treat it respectfully, no matter what the problem is, you must respect it, and then hold it, don't let it run away, and then try to digest it step by step. As more and more things are known, and the ability to know more and more things, at a certain time, everything can be handled properly, so as to achieve the effect of calming the mind.

Why does "respect and fail" do so, so that you can exercise, nourish your heart, and increase your wisdom! If you are not at ease, you can take a look at the following detailed explanation:

To be respectful and negligent, there must be methods, for example, to deal with problems, there must be a standard for handling, and this standard is morality. , In short, is good. In the internal karma, it is said that "do not give up when you are good," that is, you must keep a good breath and stay the same. Because what is good is what has anger, and if you deal with any problem, there will be anger, and your physical fitness will be better. Usually it is said that "angry hurts the liver, joys hurts the heart, thoughts hurts the spleen, sadness of the lungs, fear of hurts the kidneys". Therefore, it is best to hold a kind word in human emotions. There is also the word "respect". To be respectful, one's spirit will be stable. It means that emotions can be controlled by oneself. People tend to think about things and things. In an instant, I don’t know how many thoughts are going back and forth. If you treat them respectfully, you will be focused and you will be able to catch the problems you encounter and not run away. May go to solve it slowly.

The kind and respectful accomplishment is only a matter of mood and waiting. Next, the form is also important, that is, what form is used to do things and deal with things. The internal business needs to be correct and "right". That is to say, don’t use bull riding to ride horses and don’t raise pigs to raise ducks. Don't sell dog meat with sheep's head. For a person, he should not tilt his head and brain, dress symmetrically, etc. The correctness at work is to put the tools and objects in the right place, and to have a clear understanding of people and things, and be decent. Wait a minute. Different environmental matters and different forms of handling have different understandings of "rightness", and what kind of things are required to compare with what kind of form; "form" is correct, there is another advantage, in the internal industry, it is said that "righteousness takes morality." "The shape is not right and the morality does not come" means that when the shape is correct, there will be a receipt. In other words, there are ways to ride horses, there will be horses for you to ride, and everything for raising ducks is prepared, naturally there will be ducks. If you can only ride a bull, you can't ride a horse if you have equipment; if you only have equipment for raising pigs, you can't raise ducks.

Therefore, the practice of keeping abide by mistakes is to cling to a kind heart and remain respectful when encountering problems, and to correct the situation, and then go to the problems one by one. All of the things are solved {including seeing, hearing, nose, mouth, taste, body touch, etc., see any feeling before letting go}. Make your body and mind not be disturbed or polluted. Always keep an original heart of oneself.

To put it simply, it means that at least one problem must be understood in a day.

Always maintain one's own original mind. When this is done, according to the meaning of the inner karma, it will be "the punishment of all the hearts, self-sufficiency, self-reliance"; it means that people are not disturbed. Next, it will grow naturally.

Respect and defiance has another effect. According to the internal karma, “the Tao is full of form”, which means that it can enrich the human form. The process of respecting and defending the loss is also the process of spirit movement, which is what is said in the inner karma. By doing this, the human body will be strong. That is the firmness of the heart. If your heart is strong, you won't be disturbed.

Why are you not rich for three generations? Why does it die when self-satisfaction? Why exercise is good? Why is it smart if you move your mind more? That is, "the Taoist is full of form". When the Tao moves, the body becomes stronger and stronger. If the Tao does not move, the body will not develop, and it will stop.




如果扩充为几句话,就是(心如铁城,喜怒不侵。勿烦勿乱, 宜安宜宁。守善勿舍,依德依道。正形摄德,能君万物。)


如果在工作中来做这一点,有个好处,事情不处理,事情还在那,所以不得不做。自然把一个个问题处理好,这是借工作来养成 敬守忽失的习惯了。企业内部的管理制度,很多违背人的本性规律的,我们正在推行《内业与企业管理》的课程。但愿将来人人都能在一个 敬守忽失的环境下来工作。这样做对企业是有好处的,如果员工都恭恭敬敬的把所有事情都处理得当,那从工作上来说,不正是企业所需求的吗。





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