edc (carbodiimide soluble in water)

Basic information

Chemical formula: C8H17N3

Molecular weight: 155.241

CAS number: 1892-57-5

EINECS number: 217-579-2

Physical and chemical properties

Density: 0.877g/cm3

Melting point: 115℃

Boiling point: 197.7℃

Flash point: 73.4℃ p>

Refractive index: 1.459

Calculated chemical data

Reference value for hydrophobic parameter calculation (XlogP): 1.9

Number of hydrogen bond donors: 0

Number of hydrogen bond acceptors: 3

Number of rotatable chemical bonds: 5

Number of tautomers: 0

Topology Molecular polar surface area: 28

Number of heavy atoms: 11

Surface charge: 0

Complexity: 134

Number of isotopic atoms :0

Determine the number of atomic stereocenters: 0

Uncertain the number of atomic stereocenters: 0

Determine the number of chemical bond stereocenters: 0


Uncertain the number of chemical bond stereo centers: 0

Number of covalent bond units: 1


EDC is often used in primary amine preparation When ammonia is used as carboxyl activator. EDC can also be used to activate phosphoric acid groups. This carbodiimide is usually used for peptide synthesis; cross-linking of proteins and nucleic acids and preparation of immunoconjugates. EDC is often used in combination with N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) or sulfonated-NHS to increase the efficiency of the coupling reaction.

Safety information

Safety terms

S26: Incaseofcontactwitheyes, rinseimmediatelywithplentyofwaterandseekmedicaladvice.

After eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor opinion.

S36/37/39: Wearsuitableprotectiveclothing, glovesandeye/faceprotection.

Wear appropriate protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.

S45: Incaseofaccidentorifyoufeelunwell, seekmedicaladviceimmediately(showthelablewherepossible).

In the event of an accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label if possible).

Risk terms

R34: Causesburns.

Causes burns.

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