Economic sociology

Economic Sociology

English described as "economicsociology", the general laws of economic factors and non-economic factors and the interaction of the relationship between economic performance and social economy research process in sociology branch Subject.

origin and development


Economic Sociology germinated in the mid-19th century. Generally believed that the earliest contribute to a finding of economic sociology discipline position of the French sociologist Emile Durkheim. He divided into general sociology, social morphology and physiology society in the three parts in sociology (1895), "Rules of sociological method" in which economic sociology is a branch of social physiology. He clearly pointed out that in 1902, "Annual Review of Sociology", a branch of the field of economic sociology and sociology of religion, sociology of crime belong to sociology.

In China, the dragon Jiaxiang translated and published the "sociology and economics," a book by a French sociologist monnières in 1932. The book explores the relationship between the two disciplines intersect. Sociologist Sun article in his "Principles of Sociology" (1935) in his book, economic sociology and family sociology, sociology of organizations and is a branch of sociology.


Early scholars to contribute to the construction of theoretical economic sociology, there is Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Veblen and so on.

Marx's "Das Kapital" is the study of the social and economic structure of capitalist law of motion masterpiece. He pointed out that the social and economic structure of capitalist economic crisis is rooted in capitalism, resulting in a capitalist development will inevitably and ultimately coming demise is the result of the interaction of the productive forces and relations of production and movement.

Weber explore capitalism causes from psychological and cultural perspective. In his "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" (1920) held that the doctrine of Calvinism promoted the rise of capitalism provides the mental preparation is. He tends to describe the development of capitalist rationality with rationality and organization of action. Weber's "Economy and Society" (1921 to 1922) is a famous book of economic sociology.

Durkheim in the "Division of Labor" (1893), analyzed the relationship between the development of capitalism in the process of division of labor and social solidarity, pointing out that the transition from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity, the division of labor development results; division of labor in capitalist society to bring social progress, but also bring a lot of socio-economic issues.

Veblen in his "Theory of the Leisure Class" (1899), and flaunt their own differences with orthodox economics is to look at the significance analysis of economic and non-economic action. He pointed out that the action of conspicuous consumption display function and latent function analyzes the conflict between the leisured class, enterprise profit and machine operators have, want to appear Engineer Group to manage the society.

influential contemporary American economic sociologist Parsons, Meadow Versailles, Schumpeter and Japan Fu Yongjian first class.

Parsons Meadow Versailles and co-author of "Economy and Society" (1956), studied the relationship between economic and social systems with analysis of structure and function, pointed out that the economic system is an open system there during its operation in the other systems and energy exchange.

Meadow Versailles "economic life of Sociology" (1963), describes the history of economic sociology and the main research areas, has made important contributions to the discipline of economic sociology.

Kenichi Tominaga taught Meadow Versailles, 1973 editor of the "economic sociology," a book, in terms of discipline also made important contributions.

theoretical system

theoretical system of economic sociology is inconclusive, it was summed up by the main action on the economy, on social and economic structure, change on the socio-economic, socio-economic strategies The composition. Economic action is the result of economic factors and the role of non-economic factors, its subject is social rather than economic human person, action goal is not to maximize profit but to meet the multi-level needs. Economic system is a subsystem of the social system, provided between the various subsystems of the social system functions to meet each other, the hierarchical structure and level of economic development of class society to adapt. Social mobility and social restructuring due to industrialization is a common phenomenon, whereby the social transition from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity. The focus of attention of contemporary economic sociology is built on the theory of socio-economic change, focused on the general laws of social and economic development, changes included psychological characteristics, the index system development, development and coordination disorders and other problems. On the industrial society, wealth and social indicators on social movements after thus produced. On the socio-economic development strategy is an extension of the theory of social and economic change. It studies the social and economic development of a country road from a long-term view, under the premise of resources to find out, recognize national strength, propose a solution development.


① social groups to influence economic activity. Groups are determinants of economic activity. Different types of population structure on the production, exchange, distribution and consumption plays different effects.

② various social factors affect economic development and social conditions play a role, such as the relationship between politics, culture, education and population and economic development.

③ economic behavior and social behavior. The main factors that govern research people's economic behavior. Sociology

④ sociological analysis of economic processes, including production, distribution, exchange and consumption processes of analysis, economic groupings such as the economic and social benefits.

⑤ research community based on social and economic conditions of implementation of the policy.

relationship ⑥ natural disasters and economic development, such as: the earthquake.

relations and economics

similarities and differences between economic sociology and economics, mainly for the different subject areas, areas of similar objects in the study of economic action, economic sociology Economic interacting economic factors and non-economic factors, the emphasis on economics studies economic factor in this process.

Economic sociology is produced in the socio-economic problems have become increasingly acute and complex background. It plays in people's social life more and more important role in providing a theoretical basis for economic and social development, modernization of the developing countries to provide scientific basis for decision-making, in order to avoid the simple pursuit of economic growth and the emergence of various social problems.

In some ways to the social and economic macro, and then focus sympathetic masses. Often seize the consumer psychology of businesses will create significant benefits for themselves and even bizarre! Always bear in mind but not opportunistic, but the current collection of mainstream society to some of the information captured from the final draw some results analysis and judgment, then there will be more than one solution, then it must be through the rapid analysis of human brain screening of the most feasible and create the greatest benefits of the program in order to obtain rapid implementation. Good opportunities will be approaching sooner or later everyone concerned! But thoughtful people are often willing to do the first person to eat crab. From a personal point of view of socio-economic point of view it can be understood as a humanistic economy.

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