easy (English word)

Word pronunciation

English[ˈiːzi] American[ˈiːzi]

Phrase collocation

EasyRider Easy Rider; Psychedelic Knight; Parasite; Psychedelic rider

overeasy fried half-boiled eggs; double-sided fried; fried on both sides

easycare [Spin] non-iron; easy care; easy to handle; easier to take care of

EasyLife Patty·Home; original life; simple life; easy life

easyaccessibility is easy to operate

EASYTAPE plastic hook

EasyEnglish Baxter English; Easy English ;English training school; Baxter English training


EasyMode simple mode; simple mode; easy mode; round battle

Bilingual example sentences


So it's easy for me to go.

Yes, notsoeasy.

Yes, not so easy.


But to do this, it seems not easy.

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